Ah, I'm in Miami again. The only awful thing about it is the feeling that as soon as I get here, I have to turn around and go home. I love Tampa, I truly do, but I miss everyone here. At least I have a lot to keep me busy up there- friends, work, and apartment searching, mostly. The last couple days have been fun. I think I've watched 30 epidodes of Good Eats, 'cause Brent TiVo'd all of the ones that aired while I was gone. I also have 4 hours of Iron Chef America to catch up on. Ohhhhhh today I had to go underwear shopping and I got REALLY lucky. They were having a buy 1 get 1 free sale at Forever 21, so I got ten new pairs...oh man, it was rad. New undies rock! Nothing else is going on, really, thank god that my first couple of big tests are out of the way...man, I can't wait for this semester to be over...Summer, please hurry up! Blargh, I was pissed off about the weather when I got here. Since it's been really warm in Tampa and I was going SOUTH, all I packed was skirts and dresses...and it's cold here! Boo on the cold. Anyways, hope everyone is doing well.....
<3 Franki
<3 Franki
I REALLY need some new underwear. Help me.