Did anywone else think that Nicolelee's set looks like the scene in the beginning of "Saw"? I never actually got to the end of it...when it comes to killer clown masks, you can count me out. *shivers*. What a waste of seven bucks. Anyhoo, I'm in Jax and i'm doin' good so far. Me and Brent woke up and 8, left at 10, and got here around 4. If it weren't for a missed turn and three stops (out of the ordinary for us,we usually make a straight shot) we totally woulda made it in our usual 5 hours. Anyways, dropped my stuff off, went to hang out with Emily (my best friend ever, I love her to pieces) and we went to the mall (exciting stuff) and then she had to babysit, so I went with her, but I didn't stay long 'cause this lady's house smelled like cat shit 'cause she has 4 cats. Blergh. Then I finished up my shopping for Brent (he could be reading this for all I know so *shhh* must keep his presents a surprise!) and came back home, chilled with the fam. Then watched Iron Chef and got into my PJ's and now I'm comfy and happy. Wow, this is the most overlooked Christmas I've ever experienced. It used to be so fun, and it still is, but...geez. I'd give anything to be 8 again.
Why? Because Lenore said...
and you wouldn't want to piss her off......