first off, happy memorial day!! much love to our men and women (and their families) who serve our country everyday. hate the war, support our troops.

just waking up... feel like today is going to be another needed day to recover from saturday. one of my best girlfriends got married and lets just say i danced the night away. pretty much the only one that...
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oh yea... congrats on your 2 years Ryan Braun smile love my brewers
Yes support our troops every chance you get... very nice smile

You have a great memorial day as well.... smile
sooooooooooo friggin gorgeous out!!! didn't have to teach today and don't bartend until 4 so i'm super pumped bout the sun shining smile was just laying out on the deck, feeling the breeze from the lake... was so peaceful... until i heard my dad through the screen door, bitchin' bout my younger brother leaving the milk out haha. made me laugh a little, love the little...
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sooo i'm moving to chicago... probably get a lease that starts in september. school starts sept. 9th... this summer is going to go by way too fast, but to be honest i'm pretty okay with that... i'm so anxious to move! so much to do in the meantime though... pack, organize, find an apartment, find a roommate, figure out my school schedule/ field placement... and,...
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ouch ahah
i like it so far, cant wait until it's completely healed smile
hey! what are you moving to chicago for? where are you going to school?
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I know you sat alone so many nights waiting for me.
Cold, your face like a stone, I hang up the phone when we disagree.
Standing there by my side when the fighting is done,
glaring at me in the light is my little toy gun.
Shining in black like shoes on a rack with a trigger that's dressed up in...
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such a gorgeous day outside... and i'm inside cleaning. groooosssss. been back at home since last sept. and not a day goes by where i don't get bitched at about something. ah parents, gotta love 'em. can't complain too much... they've been pretty great with helpin me out with stuff. free rent is always nice too wink few months until i move to chicago, cannot wait!...
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on a day like this you should be outside! but alas cleaning does need to be done.
good luck with your chicago plans, it's a pretty nice town. well most of it at least.
I know how you feel, thats why I'm stuck in Ohio tongue and the P-units have me doing all sorts of shit. lol. It's okay though.