ugh. today was spent mostly in one of the many waiting rooms in st elezabeths medical centre. one of my roomates was admitted for appendicitous (i cant spell it). she was a trooper tho- compaired to me... she was calm the whole time, where as i was, well- they shot me up with morphine 3 times before they opperated. it was interesting to say the least. but shes out of recovery and in her own room on the 7th floor waiting for her mother to show up. shell be out early tomorrow afternoon and staying in a hotel. whew.
needless to say, im glad today is over. i really didnt want to stay there overnight and im glad that they wouldnt let us (i was with 2 other friends).
i did manage to leave with a few pairs of those hiddeous purple rubber gloves- they make everyone look like an asshole.
and ive come to realize: hospitals make me cough.
who had their appendix out? give them a hug for me...
meanwhile, don't worry about the roomate thing- people will gossip but they are just dumb.
fuck em all, i say (metaphorically speaking)
miss ya <------this much------>
ps: canned peaches rock!