k so heres another one... let me know what you think..
I walk into the masquerade with my mask firmly in place. I look around at the colours which surround me. The bright and flashy covering are prevelent in this place. Soon I am mingling amoungst them, showing each my meticulously painted facade as they in turn display thiers proudly. One pulls me aside to speak of accomplisments and flatteries. I am amused as he displays his detailed canvas. Yet quickly I become aware that he covers things which he is not willing to reveal. I return to the crowd to search a more acceptable companion. One by one I look them over and pass them by, but none seem to be reality. I float around the room becoming slowly disenchanted. Just as I decide that my search is hopelss, HE walks into my view. Amongst the rainbow plastered to each player, his plain appearence is strangly appealing. The warmth which emanates draws me in yet I am confused at his lack of paint. His face is real, there is no barrier, nothing blocking his truth. I am confused by his honesty. Never have I encountered such revelation. He approaches me with grace of motion unmatched by any player I have ever seen. His eyes meet mine and lock solidly in place. Inquisition fills the gaze which rests upon me. His hand reaches slowly out to remove my mask, yet I stuggle against his pull. I have crafted this facade with care for years, brush stroke purposefully added, every glistening jewel put in its most flattering light. But he does not wish to see that facade which I display to the world. Again he stretches out his hand to push away my protective sheath. I cannot bring myself to shed that which has kept me safe for so many a year. Once more he offers his hand to take away that which I hold so dear. His eyes peircing through my facade, and I cannot refuse him. I begin to remove my mask and I feel the vulnerability flood over me. Fear begins to grip my heart, yet I look up to meet his gaze and his reality gives me strength. I see the mask resting in my hands but cannot bare to loose my grasp of this masterpeice. He sees my resistance and knocks it from my hands. It crashes violently to the ground shattering into a million pieces. I stare intently at the ground and my former portrait. My eyes cannot leave that which I had valued so highly. I remember he who stands in front of me, and look up with pain enshrouding me. Once again our eyes lock, yet now with a different intensity. In one moment of honesty, truth and reality pass between us. I cannot divert my eyes from his, as the freedom overtakes my soul. Never have I looked a player face to face without the comfort of my precious facade. Yet this encounter gives me peace despite its lack of familiarity. Unknown yet comfortable. Once again his hand reaches toward me, but with a tender ease. His hand brushes my cheek as love passes from his finger to my face.
I walk into the masquerade with my mask firmly in place. I look around at the colours which surround me. The bright and flashy covering are prevelent in this place. Soon I am mingling amoungst them, showing each my meticulously painted facade as they in turn display thiers proudly. One pulls me aside to speak of accomplisments and flatteries. I am amused as he displays his detailed canvas. Yet quickly I become aware that he covers things which he is not willing to reveal. I return to the crowd to search a more acceptable companion. One by one I look them over and pass them by, but none seem to be reality. I float around the room becoming slowly disenchanted. Just as I decide that my search is hopelss, HE walks into my view. Amongst the rainbow plastered to each player, his plain appearence is strangly appealing. The warmth which emanates draws me in yet I am confused at his lack of paint. His face is real, there is no barrier, nothing blocking his truth. I am confused by his honesty. Never have I encountered such revelation. He approaches me with grace of motion unmatched by any player I have ever seen. His eyes meet mine and lock solidly in place. Inquisition fills the gaze which rests upon me. His hand reaches slowly out to remove my mask, yet I stuggle against his pull. I have crafted this facade with care for years, brush stroke purposefully added, every glistening jewel put in its most flattering light. But he does not wish to see that facade which I display to the world. Again he stretches out his hand to push away my protective sheath. I cannot bring myself to shed that which has kept me safe for so many a year. Once more he offers his hand to take away that which I hold so dear. His eyes peircing through my facade, and I cannot refuse him. I begin to remove my mask and I feel the vulnerability flood over me. Fear begins to grip my heart, yet I look up to meet his gaze and his reality gives me strength. I see the mask resting in my hands but cannot bare to loose my grasp of this masterpeice. He sees my resistance and knocks it from my hands. It crashes violently to the ground shattering into a million pieces. I stare intently at the ground and my former portrait. My eyes cannot leave that which I had valued so highly. I remember he who stands in front of me, and look up with pain enshrouding me. Once again our eyes lock, yet now with a different intensity. In one moment of honesty, truth and reality pass between us. I cannot divert my eyes from his, as the freedom overtakes my soul. Never have I looked a player face to face without the comfort of my precious facade. Yet this encounter gives me peace despite its lack of familiarity. Unknown yet comfortable. Once again his hand reaches toward me, but with a tender ease. His hand brushes my cheek as love passes from his finger to my face.
<3 JiMma