hey guys I need to put a hold on the serial killer story..
Today at work Ash threatened to come back to the shop and shoot shakey the crackwhore(Dana the drug crack whore). So they fired her. So now I have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn and go in for an employee meeting with the manager and Owner to see if Ash is a danger to our work.. Im like WTF it was just a saying!!!! Christ if they took me seriously everytime I threatend to kill someone id never be employeed.
So once this bullshit is taken care of I will continue the story.. Sorry people.
I am putting off going to work.. I am late as of this moment. I'm trying to decide if I wanna quit today.. I fucking hate where I work.. This is such bullshit. For those who dont know the story behind shakey the crackwhore. Shes a coworker of mine who only has her job because she is sucking the boss's dick. And Im not kidding.. She goes in his office, closes the door, 15 minutes later shes wiping protein off her face and smiling like a fucking whore. I think he even gives her money to buy crack or coke cause shes in the bathroom 20 times a day snorting coke or crushed up oxicotton(sp?) Shes a worthless fucking whore and Myself and Ash end up doing her work for her cause she goes back into his offices and literally passes out cause shes so fucking wasted. Shes had 2 DWI's and one narcotics bust since I have been working there (4 years) Shes done jail time paid thousands of dollars in fines but yet she still has a job.. So yesterday what happened in the shop.. Was Ash and I were in the warehouse in seperate building away from our main shop making christmas arrangements for our open house in Novemeber. We work really fucking awesome together. Anyways about 3 hours into it. Ash weants to light up some green so im like okay no prob We arent gonna be driving for another 5 hours and its just her and I in this warehouse so no harm no foul.. Well we smoked and went back to making arrangements Here comes Dana aka Shakey the crackwhore as soon as she walks in she goes I smell POT! Im like shut the fuck up you do not its the popouri on the trees we used shes like No i smell pot and Im going to tell Micheal (the boss) Im like shut the fuck up crackles and get the fuck out of here. So she walks over to where Ash is standing and lifts up this wresth Ash is working on and throws it against the wall and says it looks liek shit. Ash turns to her and calls her a stupid cunt or something like that and Dana and her start yelling at each otyher. Well shakey then says she could get us both fired on the spot if she wanted too. And its only cause she donest want to that we are still employeed. So I then look over at her and tell her to go fuck Micheal and leave the warehouse She just snickers at me cause she knows I will hit her if she says something more to me.. So she picks on Ash who is alittle smaller then her. Like a fuckin crackass bully. Anyways Ash and her have a few more words and basically Ash says if she doesnt fuckin leave the warehouse Ash is going to come back to work tonight and pop a few rounds into crackles. I laugh i thought it was funny. Ash and i always joke about coming into work and blowing up a few people, crackles being one of them.. But its always joking.. If either of us wanted to fuck anyone up we would just kick the head in of crackles and micheal and be done with it. So anyways Shakey the crackwhore starts crying and goes and tells on Ash for threatening her so they called Both of us back to the building and they asked me what happened I told them then they asked me if Ash had smoked Pot.. Dana didnt tell on me for smoking but yet she had no proof either of us had she just told on Ash so anyways I saiud no she wasnt smoking anything and crackles immediuately called me a liar so i told her to fuck off and the boss asked me to leave the room. I guess crackles and Ash got into it so Ash got fired.
Now I have to leave for shithole work and see whats up with that.
Bye people.
Today at work Ash threatened to come back to the shop and shoot shakey the crackwhore(Dana the drug crack whore). So they fired her. So now I have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn and go in for an employee meeting with the manager and Owner to see if Ash is a danger to our work.. Im like WTF it was just a saying!!!! Christ if they took me seriously everytime I threatend to kill someone id never be employeed.
So once this bullshit is taken care of I will continue the story.. Sorry people.
I am putting off going to work.. I am late as of this moment. I'm trying to decide if I wanna quit today.. I fucking hate where I work.. This is such bullshit. For those who dont know the story behind shakey the crackwhore. Shes a coworker of mine who only has her job because she is sucking the boss's dick. And Im not kidding.. She goes in his office, closes the door, 15 minutes later shes wiping protein off her face and smiling like a fucking whore. I think he even gives her money to buy crack or coke cause shes in the bathroom 20 times a day snorting coke or crushed up oxicotton(sp?) Shes a worthless fucking whore and Myself and Ash end up doing her work for her cause she goes back into his offices and literally passes out cause shes so fucking wasted. Shes had 2 DWI's and one narcotics bust since I have been working there (4 years) Shes done jail time paid thousands of dollars in fines but yet she still has a job.. So yesterday what happened in the shop.. Was Ash and I were in the warehouse in seperate building away from our main shop making christmas arrangements for our open house in Novemeber. We work really fucking awesome together. Anyways about 3 hours into it. Ash weants to light up some green so im like okay no prob We arent gonna be driving for another 5 hours and its just her and I in this warehouse so no harm no foul.. Well we smoked and went back to making arrangements Here comes Dana aka Shakey the crackwhore as soon as she walks in she goes I smell POT! Im like shut the fuck up you do not its the popouri on the trees we used shes like No i smell pot and Im going to tell Micheal (the boss) Im like shut the fuck up crackles and get the fuck out of here. So she walks over to where Ash is standing and lifts up this wresth Ash is working on and throws it against the wall and says it looks liek shit. Ash turns to her and calls her a stupid cunt or something like that and Dana and her start yelling at each otyher. Well shakey then says she could get us both fired on the spot if she wanted too. And its only cause she donest want to that we are still employeed. So I then look over at her and tell her to go fuck Micheal and leave the warehouse She just snickers at me cause she knows I will hit her if she says something more to me.. So she picks on Ash who is alittle smaller then her. Like a fuckin crackass bully. Anyways Ash and her have a few more words and basically Ash says if she doesnt fuckin leave the warehouse Ash is going to come back to work tonight and pop a few rounds into crackles. I laugh i thought it was funny. Ash and i always joke about coming into work and blowing up a few people, crackles being one of them.. But its always joking.. If either of us wanted to fuck anyone up we would just kick the head in of crackles and micheal and be done with it. So anyways Shakey the crackwhore starts crying and goes and tells on Ash for threatening her so they called Both of us back to the building and they asked me what happened I told them then they asked me if Ash had smoked Pot.. Dana didnt tell on me for smoking but yet she had no proof either of us had she just told on Ash so anyways I saiud no she wasnt smoking anything and crackles immediuately called me a liar so i told her to fuck off and the boss asked me to leave the room. I guess crackles and Ash got into it so Ash got fired.
Now I have to leave for shithole work and see whats up with that.
Bye people.
Damn Keep us posted on what happens.
BTW loving the progression of the story.