Last night fuckin kicked so much ass!!!!!!!
Okay so first off thanks to a certain someone for making the long ride up alot more fun
And yes it is possible to masturbate in a car going 70 miles an hour, cell in one hand, hand in the puss, and knees driving on the straightaways LOL. Anywho. Last night I got to work and the club bought me 2 dozen hot pink roses to cheer me up. The card was signed by everyone (even the skinny strippers who I dont really know) and guess who I got a full fledge tongue in my mouth kiss from? RUTH(Anna Nicole look alike)!!!!! OMG I was not expecting that but I totally was like FUCK YEAH!!!! Okay so as if that wasnt fuckin rockin my socks enough Ruth gave me these false eyelashes that look like long black feathers I have never worn false eyelashes before so she put them on me and I looked cool as hell. So I finished getting ready then waited for my set to start and went out there and rocked the floor. I was in such a great mood. I did make one mistake though which will prolly forever be my doom. So in all my excitement out there I licked the floor. Yeah.. Like licked it for a long time.. I was slinking/crawling up to a guy who was holding a $20 bill and I dunno my mind was going crazy and I licked the fucking floor. OMG it tasted like fucking ass, feet and old puss puss. I made the shittiest face and gagged. WTF was I thinking?????? The people that saw me do it seemed to enjoy it although I think I scared the piss outta the guy I was crawling towards. He smiled when he first saw it then like went to a frown as soon as he saw my face. I ganked his $20 though so all is good. First dance I made $112. Never again will I lick the fucking floor I prolly got some undiscoved disease brewing in my body now. After I was off stage I brushed my teeth and gargled with listerine so hopefully I killed anything that could be in my mouth. ICK!!!! So anyways 2nd dance time and guess who's back? Cute college guy and hes with a totally cute girl. I love a sexy guy who dates chubby girls its such a fuckin turnon. Anyways My song is playing and I make my way to cute college guy and instead of focusing on him I went right to his girl. I shoved the boobalies right in her face and think I scared her. Must have been her first time in a strip club cause her boy handed her $5.00 and she looked like my panties were gonna eat her hand off when she put the money in. Anyways I stayed on the girl and made another $7 off them so before I left I turned to the cute college guy, gave him a wink and a smile and he did the same. MMMMMmmmm. So I worked my way around the crowd and made $81 bucks... Not bad.. Not bad at all. So I get backstage getting dressed and Im like fuck it I wanna go out and meet the college guy. I wont be rude to his girlfriend and flirt with him I just wanted to go out there and see him. So I talked Tim into letting me wait tables for 1 hour if I gave my table tips to the girls who were scheduled so He said it was cool and the girls didnt mind a bit. So I ganked a tray put on a apron and hauled ass to the college boys table. I walked over and smiled turned to his girl first and asked if she would like a drink. She ordered a coke. (yawn) turned to the college guy and he ordered a beer. (yawn) I walked away got thier drinks and came back set hers down first then went to go sit his down and he smiled and told me I was very pretty. I smiled thanked him and looked at his girl and she smiled too. I was thinking to myself if Pervert said something like that to a chick in front of me I'd prolly threaten to cut his balls off but she smiled like it was nothing. Im like okay.. Rock on! So I winked and left the table I waited on a few more tables and it was Ruths turn to dance she dances 5 times a night. Cause yeah shes that awesome anyways shes dancing and Im all like watching her and totally turned on. Shes so damn beautiful. She can dance like shes walking on air and shes so graceful and well I just love her to pieces. Anyways I grabbed some of my tip money and walked over to the edge of the stage and she noticed me and laughed and came over to me so I put a $10 in my bra and she snapped it out with her mouth(which is a nono) and ran her tongue up my cleavage. (which is a huge company nono) I swear I about creamed my panties standing there. I got weak in the knees and everything. So she left me and I went back to college guy and he ordered another coke and beer and I brought them back and nothing was said I didnt wanna flirt with him in front of his girl and now that I know he has a girl I will leave him alone but DAMN hes so hot. So I took the apron off cause there was no point in waiting tables anymore LOL and sat with Kenny behind the bar and watched the rest of the shows. I swear I am so glad I am doing this even with asshole guy from Tuesday last night more then made up for such a shitty night. So Ruth and I talked and we are going to perform a dance together. FUCK YEAH baby!!!!!!!! I have to now go in even earlier then I fucking do already cause it takes a hell of alot longer to get there then I originally thought. But who cares I get to dance with Ruth!!!!! wooot woooot. She said I can pick the song and the theme but she choices the dances. Im like fuck yeah cause you dance alot better then me anyways so I think I am going to bring in the Dom/Sub to this show. Now I just have to find another fucking song suitable for it... Anywho if you all stayed and read all of this shit kudos for you.
Oh yeah Vixen is sending me these kickass platform shoes I'm gonna wear them when I do my church set.. 38 votes for the church set 2 against. So yeah Im gonna do it.
Have a deliciously sinful Friday and a
serial killing weekend.
I will catch up on everyones journal on Monday
Okay so first off thanks to a certain someone for making the long ride up alot more fun

Oh yeah Vixen is sending me these kickass platform shoes I'm gonna wear them when I do my church set.. 38 votes for the church set 2 against. So yeah Im gonna do it.
Have a deliciously sinful Friday and a
serial killing weekend.

I will catch up on everyones journal on Monday

Have fun!