Well I got to the club late so no practise yesterday but i did get to watch some chubbies strip. It was pretty cool. One of the girls looked like Anna Nicole (before she lost the weight) she was working the pole. Jealousy was runnin amuck
I did get a chance though to check out the people who were there to watch the show. There was a few 21 or somethings there and quite a few people who looked to be 30-50 ish and a few older men in thier late 60's or so it seemed. I pretty diverse crowd though. There was a girl there that came out to dance that was dressed like a school girl (big surprise right? blah) and she was a large girl. I swear she danced her ass off. I was so impressed and just amazed at how well she could dance. And jealous as well. I spent alot of money on her. Just to keep her over my side so I could see her better. She was absolutely stunning in every way. It also made me feel better about myself. I will admit I was worried I was gonna be the biggest girl there. Her and I are about the same size and although I cant dance as well as she did. She definately gave me inspiration to kick some ass out there next Thursday. So I have 2 more practises until the audition and I still dont have a song for the 2nd routine. The songs the girls danced to were kinda fast so I am gonna dig through some old Manson and see if I can find something there.
Also, on another note. I dunno if some of you have noticed that have been friends with me for awhile but I went through and deleted testimonials I gave you when we first met. I am going to send out new testimonials today to friends cause I feel I know you better now. So I'm not writing in anyones journal today. I'm only doing testimonials.
Take care and have a slippery weekend.
I made it halfway through posting testimonials and I'm tired I'll finish it up this weekend. Take care

Also, on another note. I dunno if some of you have noticed that have been friends with me for awhile but I went through and deleted testimonials I gave you when we first met. I am going to send out new testimonials today to friends cause I feel I know you better now. So I'm not writing in anyones journal today. I'm only doing testimonials.

Take care and have a slippery weekend.

I made it halfway through posting testimonials and I'm tired I'll finish it up this weekend. Take care
you know the gals & fellas are going to go gagga over you if you dance right? you're hot!
and thanks for being so damn sweet and writing a testimonial for me. how can someone so scary be so lovely?