So where to start. I got to the club about 2 pm and met my friend Tim, who I have been talking to via email for the last year and half. He kinda reminded me
of large Steve Busemi. It was weird at first. This guy has seen me naked doing weird stuff to my body through photos and now I meet him face to face and he was all shy and timid. I think I intimidated him, cause I was pretty open when I introduced myself and well friendly. After I introduced Pervert to him, Tim took us back to the offices and he introduced me to the owner. He didnt say much to me other then a "Hi" and "Nice to meet you" So I looked at Tim cause it was kinda weird just standing there so we decided to head backstage.. I went to the dressing room and the backstage area of the club. Its kinda neat all the things they have to do with the lights, music and stuff. I've never been behind the scenes for anything so this was pretty cool. After the tour was over he asked me if I ready to practise and I was like okay sure. I gave him my CD and he asked me how many times I wanted him to play it (he was gonna let me have the room to myself so there was less pressure) So I had him put it on 50 times and off he went. The first note hit and I just kinda sat there looking at the fuckin pole and myself in the mirrors. I really had no clue where to even start. So I just kinda listened to the song and let my mind do the dancing for me. 2 repeats later I finally had a little dance going on. I didnt wear my costume cause I dont have everything for it yet. But I kinda did a pretend undress and went through the motions. Pervert went with me and sat there watching and telling me to do this and change that and telling me to do more of this and less of that. He was a huge help. I think after about 14 times of doing it I started takin off my clothes. Pervert as a joke stuffed 20 bucks in my panties and asked how much it would cost him for a lapdance. I hit him, but it was funny. So I kept the same dance up and got it down to a science. Now I decided to work the fuckin pole into it. When the song got to the 2nd verse I jumped high onto the pole, wrapped my legs around it and swivled like a candy cane down it. I got the biggest rush from it. The rest of the song I just continued to do shit on the pole. I didnt try the upside down trick again, but I was told theres a chubby girl that can do it. So im gonna get her to teach me it cause fuck it. I own that bitch now.
I have to remember next time to bring my video camera so I can look at it from a spectators point of view and see if its sultry enough. Anyways I continued to dress and undress and by the time my 50 songs were over I felt pretty good about things. Actually I'm pretty fuckin excited about it. I still have to come up with another routine for the 2nd song. Tim said none of the dancers have a "dark" theme so he said I should be able to do pretty much anything. And not have to worry about it. I told him my idea about the body bag and he said it was a cool idea but I have to use a bodybag without words on it. So now if I cant find one without words on it I'm going to have to dig out one of my old
bodybags and put duct tape on it.. Blah. Anyways I'm heading back to the club on Thursday to practise and meet a few of the dancers and hopefully get my routine down. It was fun. I'm definately gonna have a ball doing this. I just hope I get the freakin job.
Have a great hump day people.
of large Steve Busemi. It was weird at first. This guy has seen me naked doing weird stuff to my body through photos and now I meet him face to face and he was all shy and timid. I think I intimidated him, cause I was pretty open when I introduced myself and well friendly. After I introduced Pervert to him, Tim took us back to the offices and he introduced me to the owner. He didnt say much to me other then a "Hi" and "Nice to meet you" So I looked at Tim cause it was kinda weird just standing there so we decided to head backstage.. I went to the dressing room and the backstage area of the club. Its kinda neat all the things they have to do with the lights, music and stuff. I've never been behind the scenes for anything so this was pretty cool. After the tour was over he asked me if I ready to practise and I was like okay sure. I gave him my CD and he asked me how many times I wanted him to play it (he was gonna let me have the room to myself so there was less pressure) So I had him put it on 50 times and off he went. The first note hit and I just kinda sat there looking at the fuckin pole and myself in the mirrors. I really had no clue where to even start. So I just kinda listened to the song and let my mind do the dancing for me. 2 repeats later I finally had a little dance going on. I didnt wear my costume cause I dont have everything for it yet. But I kinda did a pretend undress and went through the motions. Pervert went with me and sat there watching and telling me to do this and change that and telling me to do more of this and less of that. He was a huge help. I think after about 14 times of doing it I started takin off my clothes. Pervert as a joke stuffed 20 bucks in my panties and asked how much it would cost him for a lapdance. I hit him, but it was funny. So I kept the same dance up and got it down to a science. Now I decided to work the fuckin pole into it. When the song got to the 2nd verse I jumped high onto the pole, wrapped my legs around it and swivled like a candy cane down it. I got the biggest rush from it. The rest of the song I just continued to do shit on the pole. I didnt try the upside down trick again, but I was told theres a chubby girl that can do it. So im gonna get her to teach me it cause fuck it. I own that bitch now.

bodybags and put duct tape on it.. Blah. Anyways I'm heading back to the club on Thursday to practise and meet a few of the dancers and hopefully get my routine down. It was fun. I'm definately gonna have a ball doing this. I just hope I get the freakin job.
Have a great hump day people.

Happy hump day. I am so very sad that my testimonial from you is gone! 

hump day.. yeah baby.. enjoy it..