Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. I took my oldest son to wally world to get a sprinkler. 30 minutes and $2.98 later we come out with this kickass butterfly
sprinkler that spins water around with a 6 spout fountain. It totally rocks. Anyways we set it up in our backyard and within 25 minutes theres 16 kids and
myself looking like drowned rats. So much fun. I feel young when im with my children. Not a care in the world and all the things that bother me magically
disappear. Who would have thought $2.98, water, and crazy baby could bring so much happiness. Not to be forgotten I looked like Tammy Faye in a cry fest afterwards with my runny face makeup and wet clothing but all is good.
So here goes, I am going to include the names in my next 2 journal entrys of all the members on my friends list in my little "story"
If you dont see your name here today, check tomorrows entry I ran outta room.
I finally did it. I masturbated myself to death.
2 days later Jericho finds my lifeless body tucked away inside my bodybag. Now time for the funeral and your all coming.
You find me laying in a black,silk lined coffin, a pack of cigarettes in one hand a vibrator in the other.
Comments as you walk by me:
"You dumbass!I told you one day you'd die by orgasm. Cumslut!" Joshof13thfloor
"I had the surgery you always wanted, *flashes me her new boobs" Sindy
"I finally made it to Virginia....." ASH
"Since, your dead you wont be missing this *ganks my bodybag* Who's your queen now bitch!" DCLXVI
"Lets use it baby, this rocks \m/\m/" lucifersmile
"I told you 7/11 sold vaseline in a 6 pack. I didnt mean for you to use it all in one night." nirvana454
"No more ass shots for you!" mrclean79
"Tragety is so beautiful in its complexity"
"Damn, she said my beauty made her heart stop.. I guess she was serious" Ahlai
"So, I guess July 4th weekend is out of the question now huh?" grimms17
"You still owe me a cam show, I still want it." JackOnFire
"I bought out the franchise I now own 15 wing stores, oh and Diablo's still not house trained." BrokenAlice
"Sucks to be you" MisterJesus < I will always laugh at his one liners>
"I can get Lou Ferigno to show up here, him and I are tight like that" MetalEric
"I have sold over 2 million copies of my Cd and Im going on a world tour. Heres that autograph you asked for" MisterPlaid
"You still get no more cock shots, I've seen better funerals then this." notanemoboy
"Is it wrong to speakerboxx at a funeral? Name this tune..." Akira_Li
"I went fishing and got crabs.."Buddha
"Here is the golden James Brown figurine" JuneCleavage
"Honey, thats ours." coldenginelogic
"I went to this funeral and all I got was this lousy tshirt" something_funny
"Great now Im out of a job, Slave for hire!Slave for hire!" somewhat_damaged
"I came to the states for this?" StGeorge
" I hope the pizza doesnt make me sick this time" bondagequeen
"I have pics in my folder go look!!! Oh wait you cant..." climac
"Meet Ash, we robbed a bank and wanted in 28 states, can I hide in there with you for a couple days?" anaphalaxis
"I'm stealing your living doll collection, you wanted me to have it right?! well didnt you??? Rigggghhhhhtt?" Daliyah
"I'll smoke up in your honor tonight" Edea
(I'm still gonna do drive-by licks and nibbles to your sexy ass even in death)RecipeForHate
"I have my work up in 60 galleries around the world. I made it." puresauciness
"Dude, too bad your not getting cremated we coulda smoked your ashes." woodstock1027
"I finally made it to Fairfax, wanna have coffeeeee" Widower2000
"nuzzles and purrrs" Fortysix_And_Two
"Great, does this mean no Tuesday night cam show?" fuji23x
"I told you so *|* " holymackerel
"I guess a game of beer pong is out of the question" iamsynn
"I think a doubles set is out of the question now" inkkedbutterflys
"Do you validate parking here?" Freakchef
"Is it wrong to stage dive off the coffin?"
"She was the best girl I never had" KillBillLA
"She should have put to use her girl scout skills this time, oy!" Quilty
"She may not have known the names but the girl could drink" Franchise
"Damn, no roadtrip! Wait I'm talking out of my ass again." Aikaterine
"She had alot of pets, They called her the cat lady" Kittie
"Yeah, I knew her, she wanted my vacation" revkara
"Hell of a way to get off work." roguemind
"I didnt even know her shes just a freak who appeared on my friends list one day" Sixxx
"She told me she was sick, I thought she meant sick like you know siiiiiiiiiick" TarNish
"Its hard to get booked in Dc, so can my band play the reception afterwards?" Texas
"Where the hell was I when this happened?" trocc
"I see dead people" DeadToTheWorld
"I may have alot of friends but I know when ones missing, I love all my friends" babygirl
sprinkler that spins water around with a 6 spout fountain. It totally rocks. Anyways we set it up in our backyard and within 25 minutes theres 16 kids and
myself looking like drowned rats. So much fun. I feel young when im with my children. Not a care in the world and all the things that bother me magically
disappear. Who would have thought $2.98, water, and crazy baby could bring so much happiness. Not to be forgotten I looked like Tammy Faye in a cry fest afterwards with my runny face makeup and wet clothing but all is good.
So here goes, I am going to include the names in my next 2 journal entrys of all the members on my friends list in my little "story"
If you dont see your name here today, check tomorrows entry I ran outta room.
I finally did it. I masturbated myself to death.
2 days later Jericho finds my lifeless body tucked away inside my bodybag. Now time for the funeral and your all coming.
You find me laying in a black,silk lined coffin, a pack of cigarettes in one hand a vibrator in the other.
Comments as you walk by me:
"You dumbass!I told you one day you'd die by orgasm. Cumslut!" Joshof13thfloor
"I had the surgery you always wanted, *flashes me her new boobs" Sindy
"I finally made it to Virginia....." ASH
"Since, your dead you wont be missing this *ganks my bodybag* Who's your queen now bitch!" DCLXVI
"Lets use it baby, this rocks \m/\m/" lucifersmile
"I told you 7/11 sold vaseline in a 6 pack. I didnt mean for you to use it all in one night." nirvana454
"No more ass shots for you!" mrclean79
"Tragety is so beautiful in its complexity"
"Damn, she said my beauty made her heart stop.. I guess she was serious" Ahlai
"So, I guess July 4th weekend is out of the question now huh?" grimms17
"You still owe me a cam show, I still want it." JackOnFire
"I bought out the franchise I now own 15 wing stores, oh and Diablo's still not house trained." BrokenAlice
"Sucks to be you" MisterJesus < I will always laugh at his one liners>
"I can get Lou Ferigno to show up here, him and I are tight like that" MetalEric
"I have sold over 2 million copies of my Cd and Im going on a world tour. Heres that autograph you asked for" MisterPlaid
"You still get no more cock shots, I've seen better funerals then this." notanemoboy
"Is it wrong to speakerboxx at a funeral? Name this tune..." Akira_Li
"I went fishing and got crabs.."Buddha
"Here is the golden James Brown figurine" JuneCleavage
"Honey, thats ours." coldenginelogic
"I went to this funeral and all I got was this lousy tshirt" something_funny
"Great now Im out of a job, Slave for hire!Slave for hire!" somewhat_damaged
"I came to the states for this?" StGeorge
" I hope the pizza doesnt make me sick this time" bondagequeen
"I have pics in my folder go look!!! Oh wait you cant..." climac
"Meet Ash, we robbed a bank and wanted in 28 states, can I hide in there with you for a couple days?" anaphalaxis
"I'm stealing your living doll collection, you wanted me to have it right?! well didnt you??? Rigggghhhhhtt?" Daliyah
"I'll smoke up in your honor tonight" Edea
(I'm still gonna do drive-by licks and nibbles to your sexy ass even in death)RecipeForHate
"I have my work up in 60 galleries around the world. I made it." puresauciness
"Dude, too bad your not getting cremated we coulda smoked your ashes." woodstock1027
"I finally made it to Fairfax, wanna have coffeeeee" Widower2000
"nuzzles and purrrs" Fortysix_And_Two
"Great, does this mean no Tuesday night cam show?" fuji23x
"I told you so *|* " holymackerel
"I guess a game of beer pong is out of the question" iamsynn
"I think a doubles set is out of the question now" inkkedbutterflys
"Do you validate parking here?" Freakchef
"Is it wrong to stage dive off the coffin?"
"She was the best girl I never had" KillBillLA
"She should have put to use her girl scout skills this time, oy!" Quilty
"She may not have known the names but the girl could drink" Franchise
"Damn, no roadtrip! Wait I'm talking out of my ass again." Aikaterine
"She had alot of pets, They called her the cat lady" Kittie
"Yeah, I knew her, she wanted my vacation" revkara
"Hell of a way to get off work." roguemind
"I didnt even know her shes just a freak who appeared on my friends list one day" Sixxx
"She told me she was sick, I thought she meant sick like you know siiiiiiiiiick" TarNish
"Its hard to get booked in Dc, so can my band play the reception afterwards?" Texas
"Where the hell was I when this happened?" trocc
"I see dead people" DeadToTheWorld
"I may have alot of friends but I know when ones missing, I love all my friends" babygirl
well done. you certainly got me spot-on. 

good morning, darlin.... i saw your request for butt shots and thighs... i have a new butt shot for you...check it out