This year I finally played Hollow Knight!
I'm not finish it yet, but it is very beautiful 😭🥹 for some boss it's also difficult 😮💨
The map of this game is INSANE.
There are so many thing to do, pheraps I forgot to collect something... 😂
The soundtracks are lovely, calm.. I really love them!
The characters are SO CUTE, they rapresent all insects! The are bees, spiders, grasshopper, dragonflies, butterflies... every type!
But the game it's not so calm.. because it's an indie game 🥲😂
Hope to finish all the game soon! 🥰
@penny @kyrie
I have never liked platformers and avoid them. Plus, I've seen some folks get pretty tilted with this game. I'd probably give up 10 minutes into it. :D
lol...I forgot to answer the main question. I haven't played anything 'new' this year, aside from finishing the Starfield play-through I started last September. Not quite as good as Fallout or Skyrim, but I had over 470 hours in my first play-through, which is longer than any other game for me. I enjoyed it. As far as games I've watched being streamed, Still Wakes the Deep is outstanding, IMO. Excellent writing and voice acting and a really compelling story. It is the best game I've seen this year.