so... my test was postponed until tomorrow... which kinda sucked because i skipped my morning classes to study. oh well...
i had my first day back at work today after my canadian vacation and it has come to my attention that when i'm quiet ppl think i'm a mean grumpy bitch. this is after my mom said something along those lines to me last night and then somebody at work said something similar... so yeah, no wonder i have so few friends... i'm a quiet person, kinda shy... sometimes i Am in a bad mood, but it sucks that ppl must think i'm always in one. *sigh* gotta work on that i guess. talk to people so they're more comfortable around me and don't think i'm a horrible meanie. (it makes me sad and mad to think that people judge me like that... i guess it's only natural though...?)
oh yeah charles and i booked the room for the wedding
jan 4, 2008 is the date.. eeeek... i'm kinda nervous, but mostly just excited. it's been a long time coming now.
also, i'm starting to dislike flying... i used to love it, but the way my tailbone hurts after only a few hours in an airplane seat really sucks. other than that it's okay... i sleep or read the whole time, occasionally looking out the window.. i'm not scared and i don't get motion sickness... my ears rarely if ever hurt... but my damn ass kills me.
and finally... i'm trying to write a note to my brother about he and his girlfriend's loud nighttime activities.... they must think i can't hear them because his tv's on, but actually i hear them better than i hear his tv... and it's kinda disturbing. there's also a general discomfort among all three of us... they hide in his room most of the time and don't speak to me and i don't speak to them and when they're out in the common area i feel akward... it's just bad, and i hate feeling that way, so i'm trying to make more of an effort, and it seems like they kind of are too... i mean his girlfriend actually said hi when i came in the door.. that's an accomplishment.. and they ate their dinner in the dining area while i was in the living room on the computer... another accomplishment. lol... it's so dumb. why do these situations happen? i guess this goes along with my need to speak up in all areas of life. i should yell at them next time "I CAN HEAR YOU!!!" my fiance is sick of me complaining about it
well that was long as hell... probably my longest blog entry on this site! yikes...
EDITED TO SAY: I gave my brother a note.... he seems to be making more of an effort as far as being social, but i was out friday night and his gf wasn't over last night so the sex thing hasn't come up yet. and i haven't seen his gf since i wrote the note. actually the note is right here.... hmmm anyway, seems to be good so far, we just have to make a chore list so i'm not the only one cleaning up around here.
i had my first day back at work today after my canadian vacation and it has come to my attention that when i'm quiet ppl think i'm a mean grumpy bitch. this is after my mom said something along those lines to me last night and then somebody at work said something similar... so yeah, no wonder i have so few friends... i'm a quiet person, kinda shy... sometimes i Am in a bad mood, but it sucks that ppl must think i'm always in one. *sigh* gotta work on that i guess. talk to people so they're more comfortable around me and don't think i'm a horrible meanie. (it makes me sad and mad to think that people judge me like that... i guess it's only natural though...?)
oh yeah charles and i booked the room for the wedding

also, i'm starting to dislike flying... i used to love it, but the way my tailbone hurts after only a few hours in an airplane seat really sucks. other than that it's okay... i sleep or read the whole time, occasionally looking out the window.. i'm not scared and i don't get motion sickness... my ears rarely if ever hurt... but my damn ass kills me.
and finally... i'm trying to write a note to my brother about he and his girlfriend's loud nighttime activities.... they must think i can't hear them because his tv's on, but actually i hear them better than i hear his tv... and it's kinda disturbing. there's also a general discomfort among all three of us... they hide in his room most of the time and don't speak to me and i don't speak to them and when they're out in the common area i feel akward... it's just bad, and i hate feeling that way, so i'm trying to make more of an effort, and it seems like they kind of are too... i mean his girlfriend actually said hi when i came in the door.. that's an accomplishment.. and they ate their dinner in the dining area while i was in the living room on the computer... another accomplishment. lol... it's so dumb. why do these situations happen? i guess this goes along with my need to speak up in all areas of life. i should yell at them next time "I CAN HEAR YOU!!!" my fiance is sick of me complaining about it
well that was long as hell... probably my longest blog entry on this site! yikes...
EDITED TO SAY: I gave my brother a note.... he seems to be making more of an effort as far as being social, but i was out friday night and his gf wasn't over last night so the sex thing hasn't come up yet. and i haven't seen his gf since i wrote the note. actually the note is right here.... hmmm anyway, seems to be good so far, we just have to make a chore list so i'm not the only one cleaning up around here.
Is it still flat there?
Oh, and roommate confrontations/ negotiations are never easy. Throw in family to the mix and things can get kind of ugly pretty quick. I lived with my brother my freshman year at Tech, and it was horrible (for many of the same reasons). Not that it matters at all, but we were off of Slide and 50th, I think. ...over by the mall and behind a little strip mall with a shitty bar (Adolf's?) and Indian food. I wonder if that retention pond still has ducks that get run over...that was really horrible.