So, I've decided to write a bit today on the blog instead of just posting photos of myself, which I've been doing. It seems that everyone enjoys photos so: giving them what they want and all that.
I had a good holiday for the most part. My auntie Christina came by the house and brought me some groceries as I was pathetically out of food. I have to say, tattooing definitely is not paying any of my bills. Pathetically so actually. I don't have a lot of extraneous bills to pay: just rent, water, electric, and car insurance. Unfortunately when I've paid those I'm not really in the position where I can buy food that isn't ramen noodles. So, she' brought me some groceries and that was amazing!
Then I went to my family's for xmas day. It was Alan, my mom, step-dad, my two nephews and one niece who live with them, and Christina. We had food and opened some presents. I got some practical things that I needed, new silverware, a food processor, and some glass Tupperware. I know to most of you that probably doesn't seem like a lot of things, but for me it's nice. I don't really go to holidays to get stuff, but rather to have a dinner with my family and hang out. I chased the baby under the dinner table in the middle of dinner like a crazy person. I do that. :)
Ug, dinner makes me realize I'm hungry. I hate being bored at work because it makes me want to eat. Of course, there is no food here. This is a tattoo shop and you don't cook or eat at a tattoo shop so I'll have to wait until I get home later tonight to eat. I made some yummy turkey soup out of the leftover turkey and carcass from xmas. It's been in my slow cooker all day and it is going to be most delicious tonight.
Speaking of work. Here I am, doing nothing. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I got paid to sit here and do nothing, but no. It doesn't work that way. No tattoo- no money. It's like doing your job for 8 hours a day for free. Someone tell me I'm not dedicated. Pffft.
So, over the holiday someone I knew passed away. It was an auto accident. He wasn't a 'good friend' of mine of we knew each other in passing and he was a fellow tattoo artist. He was killed by a lady who was driving impatiently and tried to pass a truck on the road and hit them head on instead. Terrible. People seem to always be in such a hurry. Though, I can't really say anything to that. When I was younger I always felt like I needed to do everything faster. I needed to get places faster, get things done faster, faster, faster, faster. Now that I'm a bit older I like to take my time and do things. I'm not in such a hurry to see my life flying past. It's true that youth is wasted on the young. Very true.
Well, hopefully, I haven't bummed any of you out too much. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everything is great for you!