So, I still haven't figured this site out, but on the plus side I'm able to create new blog, sort of. Every time I start typing it disappears then saves as s freaking draft. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally stoked about the draft stuff because... omg I can't tell you how many blogs I've lost before. However, typing a sentence, the whole box disappearing, then repeat. That's pretty darn annoying. But on to the next.
I've been working at the new shop for three days now, still no business. It really makes me consider why I wanted to be a tattoo artist. It's probably one of the only jobs where you work 9 hours a day and make 0 dollars for your effort. Then, on top of that, people assume you make a ton of money all the time. Guess what? I can't even pay my rent this month and I've work 30 hours in three days and make 0 dollars. How's that for tons of money?
I've been trying to work out and get in better shape but it's hard going. I walk my dogs but not often enough for them or me. Unfortunately the neighborhood I live in is rather.... um... unsafe to be walking around in. Yesterday we got halfway around the block and there were gun shots. So, I put them in the car and drove them to another neighborhood to walk them. Really, that is completely and utterly crazy. What is wrong with people? I 'd move out into the middle of nowhere, but then I'd have no job and I don't have any darn money to move anyway so it would be pretty pointless.
I spent my last couple of dollars on a water today to take to work with me. And that's a whole other story all together. Let me just tell you about this CRAP. So, I'm at the grocery store standing in line to pay for my drink (2 actually it was buy one get one). There is a lady in front of me who has a turkey that looks disgusting. I mean, the thing is half thaw, oozing blood and ick, and she puts it on the conveyor belt in front of me. Um. Yuck. The girl behind the register picks up with bare hands, runs the nasty thing across the checkout and then slides it down to the bag area. She then wipes her hands on HER PANTS. The lady in front of me pays with cash. I'm next. I look the girl right in the eye and say "could you wash your hands and the area before you ring up my drink. Well, she doesn't speak any English. She has no idea what I'm saying. Now, I'm okay with people not knowing English. I mean, you could have just moved here. No big deal, but you probably shouldn't be in a customer service job where 90 percent of your clientele speak English. Anyway, she gets someone else to translate for her. Then she gives ME a dirty look, pulls out a couple of paper towels and dry wipes the area and then her hands.
So I look her dead in the eye and say "SALMONELLA". To which she smiles and reaches for my drink. Sigh. Whatever. I get my damn salmonella covered drink and my change which is also gross... but all money is gross (STRIPPERS: do not put money in your mouth. This is exactly why you should not do that.) I head to work, a block away. I get inside and I use the super disinfectant soap on my drinks and my money. Still, when I opened my drink I pour it in a cup. I'm leery.
What's everyone else up too?