As previously mentioned, my snapchat is up for sale, information on this and more FAQ's are now HERE
Thank-you for all of the wonderful people who keep their comments within the bounds of flattering and respectful, this post isn't for you, this is for the people who seem to not understand that this is a real life woman behind a screen that is posting these images onto both Suicide Girls and all of my social media sites.
If you're posting anything that says...
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For context, I am a fine art/emotive portrait photographer. I mostly take photos with an ethereal aesthetic of women either nude or in beautiful gowns, almost fairytale like but usually with a darker concept within it. I'm going to be shooting a SG set with @coolicio in the coming month, which I am very excited about as it will be a fun style to shoot,...
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What would you wish for if a genie granted you 3 wishes?"
1. The ability to easily absorb and retain knowledge. (eg. Reading books faster, studying concepts easier)
2. To be able to banish self-doubt/Ignore other's opinions. (eg. Putting art out into the world and never wondering 'will someone like this')
3. The power to conjure up motivation. (pretty self-explanatory)