Haha, I promise you guys an update and then I vanish for 2 weeks. Well, the little one is sleeping so I have a moment.
Let's sttart from the beginning, shall we?
Ok, so last thing I really updated on was like...2 months ago? I was all excited in my 9th month of pregnancy. I had just had a doctor's appointment and my doc told me that the way it was looking Helena just might come sooner than expected. Well, the next appointment the doc basicaly assured me that she would be here any day now. That was at 39 weeks. So you guys can only imagine how anxious I was. Every little cramp, every time I felt odd I thought it was a sign that labor was gonna start. Waiting on my baby seemed like one of the longest times of my life.
Anyway...she could come any day now...but I guess she just didn't want to. Rather than come sooner, she actualy let me wait another 4 days past my due date.
I had a routine check up on the 11th at my doc's, since she wants to see the women who go past their due dates every second day. And while I was there my water broke and I was told to go home and pack and leave for the hospital. I could take my time if I wanted to, since I wasn't having contractions yet. So we didn't actualy leave for the hospital until 2 hours later.
I will spare you all the gory details of labor, haha. But here is a short version:
We arrived at about 7pm. The midwives sent me walking around to help bring on contractions. By about 9pm I was in labor. Mom and my sisters visited me to wish me luck one last time at about 10. After they left at about 11pm things sped up quickly..I thought I was going to die of pain. I always got a little irritated when I would ask other moms about how contractions and labor felt and they would answer: " You can't describe it. It's simply the worst.". Well, it's true. You really CAN'T describe it...it is a completely unique and aweful kind of pain that you can't compare to anything else. And it's also true that you lose all shame in labor. I was screaming and howling and crying and really couldn't care less. ( But hey, it was totaly worth it
I was already pushing at about 00:10. About 10 minutes later they told me they could already see her head. I have to say that is one of the best things you ever hear....your baby is about to be here!! And at 00:33 Helena was born. Josh cut the cord and they laid her on my chest. At last!!
Helena Rose Hubert
Born on the 12. Oktober 2010 at 00:33
weight: 7 pounds, 2 ounces
height: 20.5 inches
I could now go on trying to describe the feeling of getting your baby placed on your chest for the first time. What goes on inside you emotionaly when you feel the warmth, that tiny little fragile body you created and just gave birth to. Your child. The feeling of looking at your partner and seeing each other as a family for the first time...it's powerful and overwhelming and beautiful. But like I said, it would take paragraphs upon paragraphs to even come close to describing it.
So all in all labor was a short and smooth one. I had no drugs, no epidural. Very private ( the only people there were Josh, a midwife, my doctor and myself). Josh was great, by my side the entire time, did a magnificent job supporting me. My recovery at the hopital was rather fast too. Helena had such good results in her Newborn screening, and I was so fit that we even got to leave a day early
So we have been home for a little over 3 weeks now. Helena is a darling, really. She only cries when something is wrong or she wants to be cuddled. nly wakes up about 2 times at night because she is hungry. From what other people have told me about newborns, I expected her to be a lot more demanding. Don't get me wrong..it took a while to get used to. For the first two weeks I constantly felt tired and edgy. It just takes a while to adjust, to figure out when you have those extra 15 minutes to shower, that little bit of extra time to clean up the house. You run to the baby at every little noise she makes, thinking something is wrong.
Plus, then you have the 1000000 e-mails to write and pictures to send. And the constant visitors. I realize that it's all meant well, and it's really sweet that so many people wanted to come over to see her..but thank god that's over and life has quieted down again.
And now..., I got this shit down to an art
I know what her noises and facial expressions mean. Know what her daily routine is, know when she will be content for a moment so I can get some stuff done. I juast have to plan showering, peeing, eating, cleaning and appointments around Helena. Easy enough right
But we are doing great, really. All the stress aside, life is beautiful with her. And we really do well with this whole parentig thing, if I might say so myself
Ok, so now I hear her waking up. I think it should be time for some boob juice for her
I know I promised you guys pictures, I don't have the time right now to resize them though. SHe usualy sleeps for about 2 hours in the morning after her breakfast, so I will do that tomorrow morning. But, I have already uploaded some into the pregnancy-group. So go check out my "attachment" folder in my pictures. There are a few in there.
Thank everybody for their congrats btw!!
Gotta go!!
Let's sttart from the beginning, shall we?
Ok, so last thing I really updated on was like...2 months ago? I was all excited in my 9th month of pregnancy. I had just had a doctor's appointment and my doc told me that the way it was looking Helena just might come sooner than expected. Well, the next appointment the doc basicaly assured me that she would be here any day now. That was at 39 weeks. So you guys can only imagine how anxious I was. Every little cramp, every time I felt odd I thought it was a sign that labor was gonna start. Waiting on my baby seemed like one of the longest times of my life.
Anyway...she could come any day now...but I guess she just didn't want to. Rather than come sooner, she actualy let me wait another 4 days past my due date.
I had a routine check up on the 11th at my doc's, since she wants to see the women who go past their due dates every second day. And while I was there my water broke and I was told to go home and pack and leave for the hospital. I could take my time if I wanted to, since I wasn't having contractions yet. So we didn't actualy leave for the hospital until 2 hours later.
I will spare you all the gory details of labor, haha. But here is a short version:
We arrived at about 7pm. The midwives sent me walking around to help bring on contractions. By about 9pm I was in labor. Mom and my sisters visited me to wish me luck one last time at about 10. After they left at about 11pm things sped up quickly..I thought I was going to die of pain. I always got a little irritated when I would ask other moms about how contractions and labor felt and they would answer: " You can't describe it. It's simply the worst.". Well, it's true. You really CAN'T describe it...it is a completely unique and aweful kind of pain that you can't compare to anything else. And it's also true that you lose all shame in labor. I was screaming and howling and crying and really couldn't care less. ( But hey, it was totaly worth it

I was already pushing at about 00:10. About 10 minutes later they told me they could already see her head. I have to say that is one of the best things you ever hear....your baby is about to be here!! And at 00:33 Helena was born. Josh cut the cord and they laid her on my chest. At last!!

Helena Rose Hubert
Born on the 12. Oktober 2010 at 00:33
weight: 7 pounds, 2 ounces
height: 20.5 inches
I could now go on trying to describe the feeling of getting your baby placed on your chest for the first time. What goes on inside you emotionaly when you feel the warmth, that tiny little fragile body you created and just gave birth to. Your child. The feeling of looking at your partner and seeing each other as a family for the first time...it's powerful and overwhelming and beautiful. But like I said, it would take paragraphs upon paragraphs to even come close to describing it.
So all in all labor was a short and smooth one. I had no drugs, no epidural. Very private ( the only people there were Josh, a midwife, my doctor and myself). Josh was great, by my side the entire time, did a magnificent job supporting me. My recovery at the hopital was rather fast too. Helena had such good results in her Newborn screening, and I was so fit that we even got to leave a day early

So we have been home for a little over 3 weeks now. Helena is a darling, really. She only cries when something is wrong or she wants to be cuddled. nly wakes up about 2 times at night because she is hungry. From what other people have told me about newborns, I expected her to be a lot more demanding. Don't get me wrong..it took a while to get used to. For the first two weeks I constantly felt tired and edgy. It just takes a while to adjust, to figure out when you have those extra 15 minutes to shower, that little bit of extra time to clean up the house. You run to the baby at every little noise she makes, thinking something is wrong.
Plus, then you have the 1000000 e-mails to write and pictures to send. And the constant visitors. I realize that it's all meant well, and it's really sweet that so many people wanted to come over to see her..but thank god that's over and life has quieted down again.
And now..., I got this shit down to an art

But we are doing great, really. All the stress aside, life is beautiful with her. And we really do well with this whole parentig thing, if I might say so myself

Ok, so now I hear her waking up. I think it should be time for some boob juice for her

I know I promised you guys pictures, I don't have the time right now to resize them though. SHe usualy sleeps for about 2 hours in the morning after her breakfast, so I will do that tomorrow morning. But, I have already uploaded some into the pregnancy-group. So go check out my "attachment" folder in my pictures. There are a few in there.
Thank everybody for their congrats btw!!

Gotta go!!
Congratulations :-) I've just had my son, Harrison, he is 5 weeks old now. x
WOW! Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I love the name. Glad to hear everything is going great.