I have been clinging to my son so much that I cant allow my self to go anywhere with out him.
My mother was going to wacth him , so that I could go out . But I just end up making excuses not to go . Its like I feel guilty . Like Im doing something wrong by going out and having fun.
I know why Im doing it , I just cant change it . I dont know that I want to . He needs me . Im all he has got .
A Little bit of history....
My divorce became finalized this past October. Since that I havent heard a word from my sons father. NOTHING .....I was also recently informed that my "x" left the state. He left behind his son , his obligations to hhis son , his probation, and all his debts ....he just walked away from them .
I guess that im still in a state of shock . I just understand how someone can do that . I look at my son , and ask " how could he not care about him ?'

Oh well, I guess that is enough ranting . Sorry I put it on you guys .

Much love to all of you

i know what it's like to be clingy. my son's almost 4 months and i the idea of leaving him almost make me cry. but once he's not around i realize i can do things i want to do without being interupted.
sorry your ex is such an ass. i guess some people can't think about anything other then themselves. i hope things start to brighten up for you.
Would it be cool if i were to add you to my friends list, i'd like to keep in touch. If not than that's cool too.