god damn it!! *snif* im sick. i hate being sick and having to stay home. oh well, more me time. i could always use some of that. i havent been to i movie
alone in a while...i think i will today. More "me" time. heh Its been nice around here. My seeds are growing...I got a gamecube...my brother got married...and i got a hold of some ok shwag. Ive been feeling a little odd sense the wedding. I dont know how to say it....but, sitting there watching...everyone seeming so happy. I kinda wanted to aswell. i mean i dont. but, it like sounds nice....finding someone that you felt you could stay with until death. Loving someone so much that you want to marry them. *sigh* damn it!! im being a girl again. *hits self* stop that damn it!! dont be a girl, dont be a girl.
alone in a while...i think i will today. More "me" time. heh Its been nice around here. My seeds are growing...I got a gamecube...my brother got married...and i got a hold of some ok shwag. Ive been feeling a little odd sense the wedding. I dont know how to say it....but, sitting there watching...everyone seeming so happy. I kinda wanted to aswell. i mean i dont. but, it like sounds nice....finding someone that you felt you could stay with until death. Loving someone so much that you want to marry them. *sigh* damn it!! im being a girl again. *hits self* stop that damn it!! dont be a girl, dont be a girl.
Damn I thought I was the only one getting poked. I'm not even gonna poke back now, by the look of the other comments that would be soooo yesterday.
It's normal to feel that way at weddings I think... not that I've ever BEEN to a wedding, but I'd imagine that's how I'd feel if I did go to one.