grrrrrr, all these negative campaign ads make me not want to vote for anyone, cuz they all seem so sleazy. i have a great idea, i should just run the world. and my campaign slogan will be "vote for typh-i won't screw you if you don't screw me". when it comes down to it though, in the absence of a real front runner i will vote for whoever wants to keep abortion legal and supports stem cell research. i am tired of conservative christian types making laws for everybody based on their religious views. not everybody can, or wants to be, white, rich, catholic or evangelical and married w/2.5 kids and a golden retriever. and it seems to me that the republicans are just trying to pass legislation that forces everyone to come as close to that stereotype as possible. and not only is that narrow-minded and obnoxious and contrary to the principles this country is supposed to stand for, it's completely impractical and misdirected. i particularly don't get the obsessive need to police people's sexual behavior. what you do, and whom you do it with, should be no one's business but yours as long as it's legal, between consenting adults, and no one gets hurt. and if they're going to obsess over sexual behavior that's detrimental to our society, why don't they do something to better protect children from pedophiles? that just keeps getting worse and worse and sexual predators keep targeting younger and younger kids, the system for keeping track of them once they're out of prison is full of loopholes (and in my opinion, no one who sexually abuses a child should ever be released from prison in the first place. keep them in there, and let the other inmates dispense vigilante justice) and everyone knows their tendency to re-offend is extremely high. but for some reason the same people who decry abortion rights because it's "not in the best interest of the children" do nothing about something that hurts millions of already born, wanted, loved children every day. they're too busy worrying about making sure that unwanted babies get the chance to be born to parents who don't want them, and may not be able to care for them. i do think that teen sexual activity is a problem. mostly because they get no education and they don't always know what they're getting into. i def had sex w/people i shouldn't have, under circumstances i shouldn't have when i was a teenager. but you know what would have helped me make better choices? better sex education. obviously, the brilliant plan of telling kids not to have sex and keeping them uninformed or telling them things that aren't true in order to scare them, is not working. tell them the truth, and then tell them to use protection and hand it out in sex ed classes. results: fewer teen pregnancies, lower rates of stds. and then they can funnel all that money that's going into useless abstinence only sex ed into stiffening penalties for sex offenders and keeping track of them. see- i really should run the world
. and now i'm going to check the sex offender registry to make sure none of those freaks live near me and my daughter...