grrrrrr. boys are stupid. no, this particular boy is stupid, i shouldn't make sweeping generalizations based on the actions of one member of a group. anyway. my boy on the side-whom i ended things with 3 wks ago and thought i'd never hear from again now that sex is off the table-texts me 1/2 an hr ago, as my angry baby is screaming in the...
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had a super-fantastic weekend. fri was like '04 reunion nite. every one i was hanging out with at this time 2 yrs ago, right before i got preggers was back in town. it was awesome catching up w/everyone and dancing drunkenly to mj. it was not awesome puking in the sink and having a hangover until 1:00 the next day, but it was a small...
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Thanks for the compliments, I'm starting to feel good about it. Hope you have a great new year's.

since it was unseasonably warm today i took my honey to the park. it was however, seasonably windy, but i think she still had fun. and she looked so damn cute, i did the classic mom thing where she was so bundled up that she couldn't move her arms. she's still way more interested in staring at other kids than actually playing, but we got...
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tomorrow's the 15th, it was on that date 2 yrs ago (also known as Black Wednesday) that i went to my friend susie's last show before she left ia, got crazy drunk and wailed/slurred "i think i'm pregnant!" to a bunch of my friends and some chick i didn't know in the bathroom of the bar. and i was right. it's kind of like a...
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Hmmm, not sure i should say it, but "happy black wednesday" dear, even though it's a friday this year (black friday means something else, as i'm sure you know all too well, judging from you xmas-hating retail past - i don't blame you a bit).
Good job with returning to vegetarianism, i wish i had it in me to do that, but i'm pretty sure i'd just end up never eating again. or i'd eat nothing but potatoes forever. And i promise i won't judge you if you buy a few more pairs of boots.
Good job with returning to vegetarianism, i wish i had it in me to do that, but i'm pretty sure i'd just end up never eating again. or i'd eat nothing but potatoes forever. And i promise i won't judge you if you buy a few more pairs of boots.

green eyes+eyeliner+dimples+lip ring=weak knees and high pitched, too loud girlie laughter.

after several recent disappointing movie choices (mrs henderson presents, cache, etc) i finally hit 3 good ones in a row: intermission-hiiarious and proof that colin farrell can act, he's just been horribly miscast in american film and cillian murphy has the most beautiful eyes/lips i've ever seen, the prestige-which was excellent and really well cast and yes, i did go to a movie in a...
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oh, how my priorities have changed. i totally balked at paying $8.49 for a body scrub at target, vowing to make my own at home w/olive oil and sugar, but giddily plopped down $9 to buy a hello kitty purse for my daughter. she looked so excited, i had to get it. plus it's really a gift for me too, cuz she looks so damn...
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well, i am of one beer. look what motherhood has done to me. i also cheated on being a vegetarian tonite and ate a patty melt. i am going to bad vegetarian hell where i will have to watch cows being slaughtered for all of eternity. i really want to be a vegetarian but it's just so hard. sometimes i just want to throw...
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Well I admire you for even trying. I don't think it's something I could ever do, even though I think the meat-producing industry is despicable. So I still eat meat, and just feel bad about it. Can't imagine quitting, cold turkey.
Mmmmm.... cold turkey.....
Alright, not funny. But irresistable, nonetheless.
Mmmmm.... cold turkey.....
Alright, not funny. But irresistable, nonetheless.
grrrrrr, all these negative campaign ads make me not want to vote for anyone, cuz they all seem so sleazy. i have a great idea, i should just run the world. and my campaign slogan will be "vote for typh-i won't screw you if you don't screw me". when it comes down to it though, in the absence of a real front runner i will...
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have figured out the key to keeping my bedroom clean. have more sex. if i know someone to whom i wish to appear attractive (and not a total slob) is going to be in my room, i'll clean it more often. if only i'd arrived at this conclusion yrs ago, i'd have had more sex and kept my room cleaner all this time. oh, hindsight.
oh and it's okay to lump all boys into that, let them prove they're not one by one