Due to the constant nagging, I am updating. I was feeling kinda anti-social in terms of Suicide Girls this past week, but its all good. I appreciate the comments from everybody. It was great to meet all you people at the party.
And GODDAMN it feels good right now. Not to say there isn't any worry about stuff, but I am in a fucking good mood.
But part of me is still waiting for the dreaded "lets just be friends" call. NO, push that shit outta your mind. OK OK, i will.
Damn YOU, damn the broccoli, and damn the Wright Brothers. - Stewie, Family Guy
And GODDAMN it feels good right now. Not to say there isn't any worry about stuff, but I am in a fucking good mood.
But part of me is still waiting for the dreaded "lets just be friends" call. NO, push that shit outta your mind. OK OK, i will.
Damn YOU, damn the broccoli, and damn the Wright Brothers. - Stewie, Family Guy

Family guy is alright, depending on my mood. More often than not I cant stand watching television, but once in a while i'll indulge in some cartoons.
so have you had the date yet? maybe YOU should pull the lets be friends shit first. That way she'll be put off and then the tables will be turned. I'm probably not the best one to take advice from though seeings how i've had the lets be friends card pulled on me several times. Maybe if she does say lets be friends, just say in return "thats cool, but can we fuck anyways?" Shit, its worth a shot!!!! good luck, and godspeed