A lot of reading for class, which I don't mind. It's jus that right now it's kind of early in the class and half of the class mates are kind of in limbo, I don't think they know what to do. Then of course the subject revolves around the brutalizing treatment and slavery of Indians and Africans, not exactly the most stimulating conversation topic for some people. Probably because some people are afraid to talk about it.
Any way the weather is nice, the leaves are turning. I'm going to have to get out for a hike in the Mts. and get some pics of the foilage (if any).
Any way the weather is nice, the leaves are turning. I'm going to have to get out for a hike in the Mts. and get some pics of the foilage (if any).
The leaves up here are beautiful as well. The aspen leaves are turning