pilates three mornings in a row. iha. now: enter the salat-breakfast (only reasonable since i had four toasts, aka eight slices of bread with lots of melted cheese between them, yesterday)i'm very nervous about my paper. very nervous. doesn't help when you have to collaborate with one of the smartest kids in class on a project due shortly after this one. he's written the maximum...
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dreamed about my new job last night. it was a nightmare, and although i kept waking up, i fell into the same nightmare when i went back to sleep. it was pretty chaotic. guess i'm a bit nervous, huh?
then again things were pretty chaotic yesterday. spent most of the day with a fellow student of mine. she just flunked on a big paper-thingie, and...
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then again things were pretty chaotic yesterday. spent most of the day with a fellow student of mine. she just flunked on a big paper-thingie, and...
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deadlines suck.
i usually ignore them.
but that is not the way.
cheer up just a little.
you will do great.
Thank you for asking.
It's okay to be tired. You deserve a rest. You've been working hard!