So! My set comes out in under 3 weeks now, squee! I'm trying to get more active on the site but i'm a little stuck; what groups to join, how to comment on or post a thread, what periscope is, how to find the homework and a million other things! Suggestions would be awesome guys and any helpful hints and tips. Obviously i'm proficient in blogging and posting photos but i need to know more if i'm to become an official SG (please!)
On some other notes, i finally got my license (red p's) and a car! Those of you from the gold coast can keep a look out for me zipping around in my little pink Toyota Yaris :D i've over back in with my parents who are spoiling me and treating me like a princess (yes i love it, nothing better than dad cuddles, mums cooking and hassling my brother everyday!), i have a new BF who is totally handsome and also treats me like a princess (*insert happy sigh here*) and tells me i'm beautiful a hundred times a day :) the only thing not going my way right now is a job- i haven't had one for almost four months now an i'm very close to ripping my hair out!! But with Chrissy coming up (i'm thinking about doing a sexy xmas shoot ;) ?) hopefully jobs will start flying at me! Also, i just did an amateur soft nude shoot for both Picture & People magazines so keep a lookout in the next few issues ;))
Not sure what other updates or tidbits to fill you in with but as always, feel free to shoot me questions about anything and please check me out on Instagram; xx_disney_xx_princess_xx
Peace out lovelies, stay beautiful- inside and out! xxx