Three in the morning:
divide the hatred of the night
as shades of love swallow the pain
numbness aching
serenity throbbing
tingling sunsets are like a drug
an acidized variation of the truth
vindictive sarcasm stretches
across the blanket of forgetfulness
lying on my face while moonlight graces me
approach the abyss of drunken behavior
sickness swells in my veins
as envy eats my heart
rage seeps from my eyes
as passion leaks down my thighs
crawling out of my skin
for I no use to myself
use me abuse me do what you will
as your mind plays with delusional fantasies,
I hide inside my soul.
divide the hatred of the night
as shades of love swallow the pain
numbness aching
serenity throbbing
tingling sunsets are like a drug
an acidized variation of the truth
vindictive sarcasm stretches
across the blanket of forgetfulness
lying on my face while moonlight graces me
approach the abyss of drunken behavior
sickness swells in my veins
as envy eats my heart
rage seeps from my eyes
as passion leaks down my thighs
crawling out of my skin
for I no use to myself
use me abuse me do what you will
as your mind plays with delusional fantasies,
I hide inside my soul.
Hey! How are you?
Another beautiful poem. That's my girl. You need a huge ass hug. And some wetnaps!