Finally finished my owl tattoo. I sort want to cut my leg since it feel like its on fire. But I'm in love with this. It's cliche, sure, but it's beautiful and I love it and that's all that counts. See Sean Strouse in London, ON at Hangar 18. He's the tits.
Also this happened , and I died of laughter.
Lil: you know like bagging off school?
Mike: what's that? Ditching?
Harper: mom? What's sagging? Like you know when you're crying in your own filth?
L: what? Sobbing?
H: no sagging!
M: you said bagging. He heard sagging. And now you're in your own filth.
And it's autumn. Which means there's a lot of this going on
And here's this, for fun!
And I made a shirt. Sort of.
Have a fancy weekend, kids!
Lil xOxO