Today I experienced one of the worst things that happened to me.
I was born in a small city in Brazil where people have a small mind. I moved from there to Ireland in 2014 because I couldn't stand the little world that they create anymore, it was too small for me.
Well, my first set here came out a few days ago and today one of my best friends sent me a message saying that everybody is sending all of my photos from here to everybody by whatsapp groups, facebook and all the city is talking about it (it's a city with 130.000 population).
I have a clearly conscience that when I signed the contract I knew what I was doing, but what I can't understand is why a person come to the website, save a photo and just start to send it to everybody, saying awful things about me (like that I'm a slut and that I moved to Europe to "sell my body" and to prostitute).
When people will realize that it's just a naked body, and that they have one too?
My photographer was my husband that gave me total support to make the set and become a SG, it was professional photos for a professional website.
I have a great job (I work as a bartender in a great place), I have a great life with my husband, I don't need to prostitute myself for nothing.
Sorry for my bad english, but I just wanted to unburden about that because I'm feeling really bad about all of it. Not because of the photos, but most because of my family, as I said, they live in a small town, they will not understand what the photos is about.
And please, if any of you girls passed through the same thing, could you share with me how it was for you and what did you do at the time?
Thank you all for listening!