Hmm its early
But I feel better then I have in a VERY long time. My messed up life is starting to make sense and clear a path I feel comfortable walking on.
I havent heard back from my job interviews. But I am more positive about searching for a temp job while I sort some personal stuff out. I think this will boost my moral. Make me feel more positive with the plans I have set out for myself. Maybe make them feel not so much as a unreachable task.
I bought clothes today. They always make me smile. How I love to shop. It just feels nice to spend the money without feeling guilty that I may have forgotten something important.

I havent heard back from my job interviews. But I am more positive about searching for a temp job while I sort some personal stuff out. I think this will boost my moral. Make me feel more positive with the plans I have set out for myself. Maybe make them feel not so much as a unreachable task.
I bought clothes today. They always make me smile. How I love to shop. It just feels nice to spend the money without feeling guilty that I may have forgotten something important.

Actualy this is somewhat spooky as I'm in a very similar situation to you. Except you seem to have a specific goal in mind for your life, whereas I'm alseep at the wheel at the moment, dreaming of things that might be but not being able to figure out which I want.
All I need to do is hit a sandbank, steal a row boat, clamber onto the desert island and....wait....are we still talking about careers?!
I'm looking at taking this temp job where I am supposed to "put smaller boxes into bigger boxes" as the HR woman explained to me. Temp contract, pays better than my last 'career' job and I get to figure out what I want to do....
Sounds to easy. I'll prob have to be putting boxes of anthrax into boxes of insane killer robots over a pit containing a hungry and pissed off godzilla.
Anyway, I also know the joys of buying clothes you like to cheer yourself up. I actually couldn't stop smiling for a while after my recent (and only) splurge for a long time.
Though I did have to go home and bench press 452 pounds just to reaffirm my masculine ways etc.
Hmm that mind erasure thing, if they could put it into some sort of ray gun you could shoot them with. If they survive...all the better! Hehe.
Well at least you have things all planned out on paper. I'm not even able to get the pen and paper ready.
But your not a coward! Less of that talk! *wags finger*
Big steps are big steps for a reason, life changing things aren't easy to do and clearly you just realise that.
Though with me it's more I think I need a kick up the arse to get something done. I get too safe and comfortable. Damn roof over my head!
*shakes fist at roof*