Grrr big interview today. VERY nervous. I would love this job only because it pays great & is ideal for whatever else I need to do in my lil life.
But I dont know how good my luck is today. Just woke up and already broke my fav necklace

But I dont know how good my luck is today. Just woke up and already broke my fav necklace

Don't worry bout the 'bad luck' thing. Breaking your fave necklace just got you tons of good karma points (in compensation) that the universe will shower on you during your interview!
I sympathise so much as I've had two interviews in the past week, both of which were utterly nerve wracking.
However they are never as bad once your in there...
Let me know how you got on and such!
And yes, guitars are sexy and they bestow a super-sexy aura on whoever posses them at the time. "Guitars, helping ugly people get laid since 1821".
I might start carrying as many of mine around as I can...all the time.
Pointing them at the lay-dees and winking. It's a plan that can't fail!
Good Luck
I hope you get what you want.
How'd the job opp go?