Well Im feeling chatttty & opinionated right now. More so then normal/ So I believe that this then would be an idle time for a lil update. I noticed I update this and my deviantART account a lot more then my own website.
Today I have some interview for some lame job that will help provide a roof over my head and more clothes in my closet. I rather just be doing some of these other projects Ive got going. Though I have like a million and needed to make more projects to relax and distress myself from the current ones I had already going.
Ya that didnt make any more sense reading it back three times. HAHAHA
I'm feeling lately as though people need to just hear what I have to say. Because I think I am a know it all. Well thats the costume anyways. I think I just keep speaking my opinion that way I cant be forgotten. In a rage of social haltered I sat on Photoshop and tore apart this poor girls stalk photo.
Why? Because I felt I needed to express the message that is trying to be hidden to todays youth. Yet pop culture still has a way of making money and slaves on educating kids of this exact message.
Oh im jibber jabbbin now. Too early I suppose. Check out my creation if you please. Let me know what you think. Honesty is the only one I want. Happy or not.
Well time to update my other thinggggys that I pollute the introweb with my opinions.
Today I have some interview for some lame job that will help provide a roof over my head and more clothes in my closet. I rather just be doing some of these other projects Ive got going. Though I have like a million and needed to make more projects to relax and distress myself from the current ones I had already going.
Ya that didnt make any more sense reading it back three times. HAHAHA
I'm feeling lately as though people need to just hear what I have to say. Because I think I am a know it all. Well thats the costume anyways. I think I just keep speaking my opinion that way I cant be forgotten. In a rage of social haltered I sat on Photoshop and tore apart this poor girls stalk photo.
Why? Because I felt I needed to express the message that is trying to be hidden to todays youth. Yet pop culture still has a way of making money and slaves on educating kids of this exact message.
Oh im jibber jabbbin now. Too early I suppose. Check out my creation if you please. Let me know what you think. Honesty is the only one I want. Happy or not.
Well time to update my other thinggggys that I pollute the introweb with my opinions.

id better say something really good and witty.. quick.. errr.. it was never gonna happen really.. sorry.. hehe
the picture was cool i think if the girl in it ever saw it she would shit her pants.. but i think you go the message across
You can't know everything because i do and i know that you dont know everything.. because i do..
Stalking.. now theres an interesting topic.. how does a stalker pick the person they are going to stalk do you think they write a list of possibilities and just narrow it down? hmmm anyway
good luck with your interview
being creative is awsome keep it up.