Holy what a delay in updating this. I guess I can forward the blame to being busy? Yet looking over at my bed & noticing the fresh imprints from my recent beauty rest seems to be the culprit.
My interest for my pushed internet life has seemed to put its hand up as my least favorite activity these days. Something about looking at my computer and all I see is "if you sit there, you have a dozen emails to respond to from days of ignorance & a bunch of messages from people you so/so like, but insist on leaving them on your contact list. Cause you never know when you might need to ask them something" running through my head. Ya thats my general feeling of this thing. So I thought I would be sneaky today & use the laptop because email & unanswered msgs wont be on it.....
So after a few kicks & a yelp I look at my computer to prepare myself for the long task of doing my "responsibilities" and find that I have 100 emails & a bunch of questions regarding the disappearance of my website. YA GREAT!!
But this in all is my fault for neglecting stuff. So now I am being punished.....(and not the fun punishment with scarfs, handcuffs, or rope)

My interest for my pushed internet life has seemed to put its hand up as my least favorite activity these days. Something about looking at my computer and all I see is "if you sit there, you have a dozen emails to respond to from days of ignorance & a bunch of messages from people you so/so like, but insist on leaving them on your contact list. Cause you never know when you might need to ask them something" running through my head. Ya thats my general feeling of this thing. So I thought I would be sneaky today & use the laptop because email & unanswered msgs wont be on it.....
So after a few kicks & a yelp I look at my computer to prepare myself for the long task of doing my "responsibilities" and find that I have 100 emails & a bunch of questions regarding the disappearance of my website. YA GREAT!!
But this in all is my fault for neglecting stuff. So now I am being punished.....(and not the fun punishment with scarfs, handcuffs, or rope)

[Edited on Mar 10, 2005 2:13PM]
Im always interested in an oppinion. doesnt matter how long it takes to get it accross and if i dont agree with it, other wise it would be a pretty boring world
I always liked what romero was trying to get across in his films, i must say i did like the new version BUT only as a frightener. As they said when it was released its not a remake, theres no politics or social message behind it. It is a gore fest, i didnt really think you could label them zombies because they are something else like in 28 days later (not sure if you've seen it, i thought it was a bit of a british cult film)
Savini is awsome, he totally made alot of films for me with his effects.
I was tempted to read the script for land of the dead but i think id rather wait and watch it.
I love Resident Evil (the games) i think the films are ok, but theres nothing behind them really, and paul anderson is such a cancer on the film industry. He has murdered Resident Evil and Alien vs Predator, when they had SOOOOOO much potential. Grrrr sorry but they are two of my favorate Films (Alien Saga and Predator) im a bit of a geek i have alot of the dark horse comics for the two
I do like the CGI side of things because sometimes it can really make a story epic, but i think you can rely on it to make you movie for you.
Its nice to talk (or type) with someone with an interesting insite into a subject, dont worry about how much you type.
btw you have a really cool website, i do alot of web design i just can never seem to finish a project, ive been clinically diagnosed with lazyitus.
btw sorry but me a gwen are an item. or we will be after my master plan falls into place :oP MWHAHAHAHAHA
[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 6:39PM]
[Edited on Mar 16, 2005 6:41PM]