I'm moving! I am sick right now and my car needs a doctor as well but, when we are both better, we are heading to Colorado to pack my stuff. Im in Virginia right now with mi familia. I have decided to finish my degree at V.C.U. instead of VaTech. I want to go back to Hokieland but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has told me they think it is a bad idea for a variety of reasons. For once I have decided to listen to everyone else instead of fighting tooth and nail the whole way.
When I finally got to see Sarah (the "best friend") after getting back to Virginia, she informed me that she and my ex, whom I still love and she knows it, that they have feelings for each other. They thought they should tell me "before/in case" something happened. My best friend...just thought...she should tell me...BEFORE she fucked around with an ex I am still sleeping with occasionaly and still love. Little need to go into that much further. I might be losing my best friend. So yeah...big issue for me.
Currently looking for a roommate or somewhere to live. Then when I get back Ill look for a job.
Ack i just lost my motivation to write this, America's Next Top Model came on and I have to catch up on it so Emjay wont strangle me when we get together next time. I normally hate reality TV but I got addicted to it while I lived with her. I'll update on all the over drama later. Blaaargh. MUAH. Sneeze.
P.S. Gonna try so hard to be back for The L Word at Godfrey's
When I finally got to see Sarah (the "best friend") after getting back to Virginia, she informed me that she and my ex, whom I still love and she knows it, that they have feelings for each other. They thought they should tell me "before/in case" something happened. My best friend...just thought...she should tell me...BEFORE she fucked around with an ex I am still sleeping with occasionaly and still love. Little need to go into that much further. I might be losing my best friend. So yeah...big issue for me.
Currently looking for a roommate or somewhere to live. Then when I get back Ill look for a job.
Ack i just lost my motivation to write this, America's Next Top Model came on and I have to catch up on it so Emjay wont strangle me when we get together next time. I normally hate reality TV but I got addicted to it while I lived with her. I'll update on all the over drama later. Blaaargh. MUAH. Sneeze.
P.S. Gonna try so hard to be back for The L Word at Godfrey's