Dear Diary,
Am I too old for shit like this?
LilFleur is a name my grand-dad gave me when I was little because he thought I looked like a little flower, and it just kinda stuck with me through the years. In a "half-pint" kinda way. I came about this site from Josephene, so I'll be following her around to see what she...
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Am I too old for shit like this?
LilFleur is a name my grand-dad gave me when I was little because he thought I looked like a little flower, and it just kinda stuck with me through the years. In a "half-pint" kinda way. I came about this site from Josephene, so I'll be following her around to see what she...
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I'm Remyx
I think Josephene is the bomb, so if she says give you a big welcome, then you have it!
The "kill yourself so your shit will be worth something" had me in stitches. Bitingly clever, yet all so appropriate in many cases. I was thinking (danger, danger, Will Robinson), although some of its meaning gets lost, better to just say "kill yourself" (cuz your shit will never be worth anything, ever)...
Yeah, I just recently found out about the frig-art thingy, myself. Flattering.
What's on your agenda for the weekend? I'm decompressing. Had a bad week. Not too bad, just monotnous. Normally, I'm not a boring person, so I am rarely bored. Here, in Monterey, boredom is thrust upon me, so naturally, my mind revolts and I take it poorly. I guess I shouldn't complain, some people would be thrilled to sit and listen to people talk for 10-12 hours/day and collect a paycheck. Admittedly, it even sounded great to me, initially. Now I think I'd rather shovel raw sewage than endure the continuous bombardment by dum-dums all day long... I guess we all have our niche and I miss mine.
Aside from lack of sufficient stimulation, all is right in the world. Cheers.