Cause I am,definitely!Cats are mystical and mysterious creatures, and I'm fascinated by the elegance of their floor!And it's no accident they were worshiped in ancient Egypt.
I only have two cats, but if I could I would have several, but unfortunately there's no space. That white one is Chloe, who drives me crazy sometimes!The black and white is Boris, older, and extremely attached to me.The best partner! I don't know what would become of me without these pets, the love they give us is incredible. Do you also have pets? Which ones? Tell me ❤
@missy @jacqueline @penny
@lemon @eirenne
Boris is noble, Boris is mystery incarnate. Boris is beautiful.
Totally. I love the joke “Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped as though they were gods. This is a fact they have NEVER forgotten”. Anyhow, The love of a cat is better than any love in the universe. Because it’s earned…when a cat loves you, it never goes away.