Well, I am feeling a lot better lately. I was in the depths of depression for a good month or so, which sucked ass. I've never in my life been that depressed, but now I am pretty sure I know why. I knew switching birth control pills could fuck you up, but I had no idea it could fuck you up that bad. I talked...
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So, I guess you could say I'm going through a mid-life crisis and I'm only 25. All of a sudden, everything I used to like, scares the shit out of me. Well, not just everything I used to like, but everything about everybody else. Like, old people really scare me now, children, hell, even going to sleep. I'm not sure what the hell I'm going...
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What's up girl, I've got to say, on behalf of Savannah, you look delicious!!
Come down to Savannah, I'll hump your leg, and everything will make sence. smile I wanted to say to everyone, if you are on "yahoo" messenger, please feel free to add me to your buddy list. I'm known there as: jpsousa77 and it's the same as my e-mail address. jpsousa77@yahoo.com. Hope to hear from you all!! kiss
Yea, well, I've been busy with school and all so I haven't had any time to update this thing. I am proud to say that finals are over and I've officially kicked school's ass. My 4.0 is in place and I am looking forward to getting free money from HOPE (hopefully, *snickers* I know, I'm a dork). I am pretty sure I made a 100...
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A wang, hahahaha. I know how you feel with the money thing. I've been crunching numbers since January 2003. Hopefully, you get the HOPE fund, too. smile

boo i see you, pop in and say hello somtime wink wink smile
Well, I am getting a little over $1200 back from my taxes. Looks like I might actually be able to add something to the lady on my arm. I went to Little 5 and saw a bunch of shit I wanted to purchase, but I am a cheap ass, so I only bought a $25 necklace. It's really pretty though, but I am sure I...
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you are cute.

i am fond of your cuteness.

let us be friends.

Well, I am glad you are fond of my cuteness wink I will be your friend. smile

Man, I really need to put a new picture up; that one is just terrible and all stretched out, haha. Anywayz, did a little shopping after school today. Went to Little 5 and got a shirt and a nice candle for my boyfriend. As we were passing by Criminal Records we noticed that there seemed to be a bunch of hoopla going on. Turns out...
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Dawn of the dead is good biggrin very good. Saw it the other day. Ending makes it even better.
Avril @ Criminal Records? lol.

"Dawn of the dead" was really good. It was definitely much better than the original.

I should be playing some video games right now. I'm determined to beat Silent Hll for once.
Well, today was one of those "I'm just out of it" days. I am usually the last one done with my shit, but today I was one of the first. My English teacher even noticed I was kinda weird and asked me if I was ok. Usually a couple days after I drink I get all off balance in the brain. It's like I'm stuck...
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The Regent's test is cake...I thought i did aweful on the essay. I thought it was four pages of babbling nonsense but I passed
Yea, the test did turn out to be pretty easy (even though what I wrote was complete bullshit). Oh well, school is full of pointless shit, but I guess it will all be worth it in the end.

So, I've actually decided to write something in this thing. I would first like to start off by saying that school sucks!!! I am so over it already and I have only been back into it for a year.

Spring break made me realize just how great free time can be and I was actually able to spend a full day with my boyfriend (Poor...
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It sounds like you are getting everything in order. What are the Psychology chapters about?
Well, we are studying memory and social and cultural attitudes right now. We just got done going over the biological and learning perspectives (which apparently are supposed to be the most difficult). The class is definitely interesting to say the least. ooo aaa
