So, school is steadily approaching. I know this is sad, but I'm actually looking forward to it. Sucks though because I still have to work 30 hours a week at my shithole job while I go to school full time.
I really fucking hate my job. My boss is a total dick even though I am one of the best workers in that hell hole. It's not easy having to deal with pseudo rich people all day and people that treat you like you're an idiot. (There's no way I could possibly be working this job because it's flexible and allows me to still be able to go to school full time)
Trying to get health insurance in this country is a fucking joke and a nightmare. I tried to get it through my work and they told me I would have to pay $40 a week for it (plus co-pays) which I can not possibly afford. Gee, should I drop out of school so I could work 40 hours a week and get health care?!? How the fuck are you supposed to get ahead in your life and take care of your health at the same time? I joked with my boss and said, "Well, I guess I will have to drop out of school so I can get health insurance." I think you can pretty much guess what I had to say to the insurance company and my boss.
I've been reading this book lately that has been helping me to try and look at the positives in every situation. It's funny though, I will be fine when I'm not at work, and become absolutely miserable when I get to work. I really just need to find a new job so I can be positive all the way around. Did I mention that I HATE MY FUCKING JOB?!?
Anyways, I think I am going to go stuff my face.
I really fucking hate my job. My boss is a total dick even though I am one of the best workers in that hell hole. It's not easy having to deal with pseudo rich people all day and people that treat you like you're an idiot. (There's no way I could possibly be working this job because it's flexible and allows me to still be able to go to school full time)
Trying to get health insurance in this country is a fucking joke and a nightmare. I tried to get it through my work and they told me I would have to pay $40 a week for it (plus co-pays) which I can not possibly afford. Gee, should I drop out of school so I could work 40 hours a week and get health care?!? How the fuck are you supposed to get ahead in your life and take care of your health at the same time? I joked with my boss and said, "Well, I guess I will have to drop out of school so I can get health insurance." I think you can pretty much guess what I had to say to the insurance company and my boss.
I've been reading this book lately that has been helping me to try and look at the positives in every situation. It's funny though, I will be fine when I'm not at work, and become absolutely miserable when I get to work. I really just need to find a new job so I can be positive all the way around. Did I mention that I HATE MY FUCKING JOB?!?
Anyways, I think I am going to go stuff my face.
Can't do school at the mometn myself though, but, apparently, my parents think I have 48 hour days where I can take care of my own duties and chores, do theirs, work 40+ hours a week, and try to go to school. I take the time to go to school, I lose my apartment, wheee. Rock, meet hard place.
I do wanna go back though, tired of working grunt jobs.