Oh as much as I hate rain I love it equally. I was just standing outside and it was so fresh and the wind blowing around, I of course got soaked but it felt really good. Or maybe I just looked like a crazy girl standing in the rain...well either way... lol Sooooooooooooooo, I am exhausted. My daughter was up at like 4am hacking part of a lung I swear.....then she gets mad when I even suggest she stay home from school. So of course she ended up being late. This is her first time late EVER lol so I guess my record isn't that bad. I am gearing up for the weekend....trying to look forward to it, although I dread tomorrow and hope beyond all hope that the douchebag does NOT show up to court. We all know my luck tho.....it has been crazy stupid lately. Lack there of I should say. Regardless I will NOT let it ruin a nice long weekend for me. So...YEAH! There.... I am absolutely jones'n to get more ink done, sadly I must continue to wait. Although it has given me some time to think up some wicked ideers!
Have a happy rainy day!

I hope your daughter feels better AND that you have a great weekend ♥
good luck at court on Friday...keep me posted on how it goes