Zooya! lol Well it was an interesting day yesterday at the zoo, it rained and rained and then finally lightened up. Glad it did cause Elle got to go on a Camel ride lol I have to post some pics tonite. I think my fav was the Polar Bears! but I also enjoyed the monkeys hehe there was a little bald baby monkey! It was sooo cute. Going with a baby to the zoo sucked tho. It was hard getting the stroller on the zoomobile lol no lie thats whats its called and feeding him and washroom breaks argh, decided I am going back with just Elle in the fall, hopefully it will not rain! all the animals were sleepin too! Got a few good pics of the kangaroos! So all in all a pretty fun but wet day! We basically had the place to ourselves which was way cool! Apparently no other crazy mothers hit up the zoo when its raining. Bought the kids each a monkey souvenir! (rip off and a half lol) but hey they are only small once. Hopefully I will have some time later to get all my pics up, just trying to recover right now, didnt get home until late and I was soooo tired workin today

Your journal entries never cease to make me laugh and smile. You're adorable. I bet those kids were a handful at the zoo, but like you said: they're only young once.
ps: I so want a monkey souvinir. Even if they are a ripoff.