Man depression stinks...Its weird feeling alone when you are around other people lol but today isnt that bad a day other than the killer of all migraines that just came on out of nowhere. Do you ever feel like you just dont fit in anywhere? Cause I am starting to feel like that anymore, no matter what I do. I dont blame it on my kids so dont get me wrong (although I am sure this is somewhat hormonal) but it seems like once I had them I lost a big part of myself and slowly I am trying to get that back, I may have even lost it before then, it just seems like it has been a long time since I have been "me" and I miss that. Man I probably sound f-d up beyond repair in this blog lol but its just whats rolling out of my migraine torn head at the moment. Just looking for my happy place, know where I can find it? (and no that was NOT perverted) thanks lol
All those lol's everywhere in your journal and profile are totally cute. Can't explain why, I just think it's adorable how you throw them in everywhere. And about not fitting in: I'm sure you've heard this before, but everyone thinks that at one time or another. It's totally normal and not F'd up in the least. take care.

I just wanna take you all in a bunch and SQUEEEEZE YOU! lol if thats ok...hehe thanks so much, you all made me feel a ton better and it was nice to not feel alone <3 <3 <3