one more thing: i got a new stereo system. so i can listen to all my vinyl i have boxed up over the years. i am so happy. brian eno, willie nelson, old new order, james chance shit i love it.
i got my couch! it's yummy. it nice to finally have a comfortable place to sit down. plus it's big enough for otto and cash. cozy. now i just need some guest to stop by and sit on it.
i think i may try and do some painting tomorrow or sunday. i am suppose to go to breakfast with my brother, i owe him since he help me get the couch home. plus, his dog and my dog need some playtime.
anything interesting happening this weekend?
i got my couch! it's yummy. it nice to finally have a comfortable place to sit down. plus it's big enough for otto and cash. cozy. now i just need some guest to stop by and sit on it.
i think i may try and do some painting tomorrow or sunday. i am suppose to go to breakfast with my brother, i owe him since he help me get the couch home. plus, his dog and my dog need some playtime.
anything interesting happening this weekend?
Cool couch. Looks comfy.
Otto and Cash are cuties. What breed is Cash?