nothing special to mention today. but that's better than bad news, right?

no new photos, unless i get off my ass and take some. but i think i will have some more wine...
I haven't used CSsound, but I checked it out, think I'll try it out over the extended weekend. It looks similar to something I tried years ago, can't remember what, though. I just feel bad because I don't use my computer for music as much as I should. I've been planning to do more though. Last week I cleaned out the hard drive to make room, even thought about picking up the new GarageBand program to mess around with.
yeah front line assembly is good music. at least I think.
no big deal, I have to have a car that runs right? so I guess it's worth it, even thought I still have most of it to pay off. you're not THAT old skull
okay. back at work today. i usually don't mind work, but when you have to deal with fires all day long, it sort of sucks.

i added a few more pictures. trying to take a picture or two a day. but we will see where that goes. usually i will give up on a project.

i also need to start making bread and mustard. so...
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so do you still want friends? I could use more Eno fans as friends....
i just spent all sunday morning trying to find a couch. i went to thrift stores from seattle to mt vernon with no luck. what the fuck has happened to thrift stores. they suck these days or perhaps my taste have change. but i went to about 6 thrift stores and only got about six items. but the items i did get i will probably...
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Hello, welcome to the site. Your dog and cat are very cute!
not much new to report. and not a very good journal keeper either.

lost power all day yesterday. so enjoying electricity again. feeling a little bit humble about how much i depend on electricity. but i guess with out electricity i couldn't enjoy this site.

added one more picture. nothing too interesting, debating about trying to grow a beard. i also give up around the...
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first day on this sight. so far enjoyable.

it snowed so much today, and i just hope it snows more.

i will try and get more pictures. and relay more stories.

blah blah...posted in wrong aread


[Edited on Jan 08, 2004 11:26PM]