Just watched "The Butterfly Effect" (Director's Cut) and I was surprised at how much I liked it. Of course, I am also a big time travel buff, so that helps...
Did anyone else see it? What did you think?
And you know, honestly, despite kinda thinking Ashton K is a dork ( for the whole "Punk'd" shit), I'd *never* throw him outta my bed...although a gag might be necessary if he was really stupid...
Did anyone else see it? What did you think?
And you know, honestly, despite kinda thinking Ashton K is a dork ( for the whole "Punk'd" shit), I'd *never* throw him outta my bed...although a gag might be necessary if he was really stupid...

And about girls being stupid... I just get sick of being flaked on, led on, lied to, etc. I don't understand it. Why can't they just be honest? With guys I had their card. I almost always knew what was up. They are simple creatures who are driven by instinct and survival. My best friends are guys. they are the only people I can trust. Even if I do know that some of them are just waiting for their chance to fuck me. At least I KNOW. Women on the other hand.....They say one thing and mean another. They make you guess. They play games. They lie. I am so confused. I love them though. I just don't know how to handle them. I am a very logic based person (I have like, 6 capricorns in my chart) and that approach doesn't work when applied to women.
And yes, I took the $20.