Hi my loves!
I've been gone forever and I wanted to give you a little explanation of why. This picture is a little hint!
At the beginning of August I moved from Portland, OR across the country to Philadelphia to start law school. It's been overwhelming, exciting, fulfilling, and I'll admit a little terrifying so far. I'm so grateful for the scholarship that got me here (this babe got a full ride!), my supportive friends and family back on the West Coast, my new and wonderful Philly friends, and of course my cat Simon who makes me feel at home whenever he's purring on my lap or attacking my toes in the middle of the night.
A lot of the time models (especially alternative models) encounter negative stereotypes about their intelligence and abilities, and in my experience these stereotypes are completely unfounded. Some of model full time, some of us are students, some of us are business owners, some of us work administrative jobs, some of us are parents, but almost everyone I've met in the industry is smart, savvy, and overall a total badass.
This is just a reminder that even though you see one side of us on SG (a side that most of us are very proud of), we're multi-faceted and multi-talented! This is an invitation to get to know and appreciate your favorite models on different levels (hint: a tip is always a good conversations starter, regardless of the topic) 🥰
❤️@missy @rambo ❤️