Ever since I read Coraline when I was eight years old, I've been obsessed with Neil Gaiman—so it's no surprise that my dream sidekick is one of his beautifully crafted characters. Even though I didn't even know I was a cat person until I got my sweet little tuxedo Simon last year, as a kid I fantasized about hanging out with the interdimensional, sarcastic talking cat in Coraline. I think every animal lover dreams of a fluffy sidekick they can converse with, and the cat in Coraline embodies the essence of cat: aloof, wise, sardonic, a bit mercenary, and unexpectedly affectionate. After all, I need a realist to balance me out once in a while and a talking cat would be the perfect companion to both tell me when I'm being an idiot and to help steer me in the right direction. Plus, an extra pair of claws could always come in handy 😼
Thanks @missy and @rambo for the kickass prompt!