Well the New Year is here and i am feeling quite positive about life at the moment.
I will give a brief overview of 2007 as it seems the easiest way to do things.
Well lets see....
At the begining of the year i left my job as a finance administrator, in a small office, as I could no longer stand being treated like an idiot by the incompetent receptionist/ Hr lady, she had a serious inferiority complex and liked to take it out on me.
The state of mind I was in I had to get out of there.
For the next few months i tried various temporary jobs but found it extreamly diffiult to stick at anything long term, i was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate and even get out of bed.
In may I managed 6 Weeks in a transport office, but left after taking 3 days off for a back problem and not being able to face returning.
At some point during all this my husband took me aside and told me that he thought I had a problem and asked me to go see a doctor so I did.
I was diognosed with severe depression and puton anti-depressants and refered to the mental health clinic for counceling (which I am still to attend) I have been on the tablets since then and apart from a few blips along the way I am starting to feel much better about myself and my life.
We also almost lost house due to lack of money from me not working which sucked, but we are getting things sorted there too now, so fingers crossed.
Well it is 2008 and I am ready for anything, lol
I have a job interview set up for the 11th January, it is for 2 jobs one part time and oneful time, i am suitable for both, just have to dicide which one I am most suited too.
The full time one is as a care co-ordinator and the other as a part time administrator for the care agency.
I am most of the way through my Beauty therapy course now and have so far passed all my exams so i am now able to offer, Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing, Eye treatments and will soon be offering facials and make-up advice and aplication.
I am looking into another course for the next term as I want to learn lots of new things, but i am stuck between Holistic therapies and hairdressing.
I am planning to get going with the wieght loss again as soon as money isnt so tight and to start looking after myself better.
God that was alot of txt will hae to give you some random pics now to cheer it up a bit, lol
Things to remember in 2008.
Alcohol and me rent a good mix
My clevage is a black hole, be careful, wat falls in!!!!

Me and ProfessorX have an amazing life together

I am going to try to make new friends this yr, we live very far away from my closest friends and a feel very alone sometimes, so it is about time i tried to make some friends up here too.
Happy new year evryone, if youmad it al the way through thank you.
What are you going to change about yourself in2008?
Thank you to all my friends on here and too Torgaddon and ProfessorX foralways being here when i needed them.
I will give a brief overview of 2007 as it seems the easiest way to do things.
Well lets see....
At the begining of the year i left my job as a finance administrator, in a small office, as I could no longer stand being treated like an idiot by the incompetent receptionist/ Hr lady, she had a serious inferiority complex and liked to take it out on me.
The state of mind I was in I had to get out of there.
For the next few months i tried various temporary jobs but found it extreamly diffiult to stick at anything long term, i was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate and even get out of bed.
In may I managed 6 Weeks in a transport office, but left after taking 3 days off for a back problem and not being able to face returning.
At some point during all this my husband took me aside and told me that he thought I had a problem and asked me to go see a doctor so I did.
I was diognosed with severe depression and puton anti-depressants and refered to the mental health clinic for counceling (which I am still to attend) I have been on the tablets since then and apart from a few blips along the way I am starting to feel much better about myself and my life.
We also almost lost house due to lack of money from me not working which sucked, but we are getting things sorted there too now, so fingers crossed.
Well it is 2008 and I am ready for anything, lol
I have a job interview set up for the 11th January, it is for 2 jobs one part time and oneful time, i am suitable for both, just have to dicide which one I am most suited too.
The full time one is as a care co-ordinator and the other as a part time administrator for the care agency.
I am most of the way through my Beauty therapy course now and have so far passed all my exams so i am now able to offer, Manicure, Pedicure, Waxing, Eye treatments and will soon be offering facials and make-up advice and aplication.
I am looking into another course for the next term as I want to learn lots of new things, but i am stuck between Holistic therapies and hairdressing.
I am planning to get going with the wieght loss again as soon as money isnt so tight and to start looking after myself better.
God that was alot of txt will hae to give you some random pics now to cheer it up a bit, lol
Things to remember in 2008.
Alcohol and me rent a good mix

My clevage is a black hole, be careful, wat falls in!!!!

Me and ProfessorX have an amazing life together

I am going to try to make new friends this yr, we live very far away from my closest friends and a feel very alone sometimes, so it is about time i tried to make some friends up here too.
Happy new year evryone, if youmad it al the way through thank you.
What are you going to change about yourself in2008?
Thank you to all my friends on here and too Torgaddon and ProfessorX foralways being here when i needed them.
How've you been latley Hows work going?
Good Luck with your interview hun I hope it goes well for you