Well im back from scotland, I had some of the funniest experiences on the way up there.
Where to start,
Well we left at around 2.45 on Friday afternoon, and headed for scotland to see my grandad in the hospital, it was the start of the most surreal day ever for me!
As we hit Grantham on the A1 we went through a torrential downpour, so we had to pull over as my sister isnt very confident driving.
When we managed to get goig again we carried on for another 2 hours and stopped at a litle chef for something to eat, I ordered haddock and chips, it came with a slice of bread which, when i picked up the half on top had a whole handprint of the girl who cut it for me, which for some reason had me and my sister in stiches.
After that we continued up the A1 and listened to the local radio stations as we went through each county, when we went therough North yorkshire, we found a cleaveland radio station where the news came on and the best story i have ever heard came on,
In a total deadpan voice the news reporter Presented this story -
"Of the two cows which escaped this morning from the north allerton cattle auction, one is still at large, and should be concidered extreamly dangerous, public are warned not to approach the anmal.
The other cow was shot earlier today by a police marksman"
Well i was born not to far from this area and found it really amazing the difference in the news stories the further away from london you get, read this article which tells the full story!
Escaped cows!
So i didnt think things could get any more surreal, but they did!!!!
As we travelled further up the country we reached newcastle and passsed through we picked up metro radio and things got alot stranger!!
For a while they were playing normal music then out of nowhere they played this!
And then after a while the played a parody of rihanna's umbrella, it was the strangest song ever and included lines like - shoved up the silver umbella brella brella, and i had a discharge and its yella yella yella, it was very wrong, but also very funny!
Around this time we also broke the car when the alternator belt broke and our battery light came on, so we had to stop and call the AA, when the guy arrived he was very cute and gave us the belt for free, so we were on our way pretty quickly
As we reached the fourth bridge near edinburgh the battery light came on again, so we pulled in to the services right next to the bridge and i had a look, this time we had lost the power stearing belt and the alternator belt!
We had to call the AA out again who had to the tow us on to Glenrothes because he didnt have the parts, so we finally arrived in glenrothes at 2.30 am and my poor gran had waited up for us!
In the morning we had to go with the AA to a garage and it cost us 90 to have it fixed.
After visiting my grandad, i was a bit upset as he didnt seem really with it, this is the 4th time he has been in in a year, but over the last couple of days he has really picked up, and last night he qwas looking like his old self and smiling and laughing with us!
The view from his window is amazing as he is on the 15th floor of the kirkcaldy hospital and looks straight across to Edinburgh, its really beautiful so at least its pleasant for him!
im going to edinburgh at the end of the month and cant wait to visit him again!
I hope all of you are ok, i missed checking your blogs!!!
Sorry it was such a long blog tthis time!
Where to start,
Well we left at around 2.45 on Friday afternoon, and headed for scotland to see my grandad in the hospital, it was the start of the most surreal day ever for me!
As we hit Grantham on the A1 we went through a torrential downpour, so we had to pull over as my sister isnt very confident driving.
When we managed to get goig again we carried on for another 2 hours and stopped at a litle chef for something to eat, I ordered haddock and chips, it came with a slice of bread which, when i picked up the half on top had a whole handprint of the girl who cut it for me, which for some reason had me and my sister in stiches.
After that we continued up the A1 and listened to the local radio stations as we went through each county, when we went therough North yorkshire, we found a cleaveland radio station where the news came on and the best story i have ever heard came on,
In a total deadpan voice the news reporter Presented this story -
"Of the two cows which escaped this morning from the north allerton cattle auction, one is still at large, and should be concidered extreamly dangerous, public are warned not to approach the anmal.
The other cow was shot earlier today by a police marksman"
Well i was born not to far from this area and found it really amazing the difference in the news stories the further away from london you get, read this article which tells the full story!
Escaped cows!
So i didnt think things could get any more surreal, but they did!!!!
As we travelled further up the country we reached newcastle and passsed through we picked up metro radio and things got alot stranger!!
For a while they were playing normal music then out of nowhere they played this!

And then after a while the played a parody of rihanna's umbrella, it was the strangest song ever and included lines like - shoved up the silver umbella brella brella, and i had a discharge and its yella yella yella, it was very wrong, but also very funny!

Around this time we also broke the car when the alternator belt broke and our battery light came on, so we had to stop and call the AA, when the guy arrived he was very cute and gave us the belt for free, so we were on our way pretty quickly

As we reached the fourth bridge near edinburgh the battery light came on again, so we pulled in to the services right next to the bridge and i had a look, this time we had lost the power stearing belt and the alternator belt!
We had to call the AA out again who had to the tow us on to Glenrothes because he didnt have the parts, so we finally arrived in glenrothes at 2.30 am and my poor gran had waited up for us!
In the morning we had to go with the AA to a garage and it cost us 90 to have it fixed.

After visiting my grandad, i was a bit upset as he didnt seem really with it, this is the 4th time he has been in in a year, but over the last couple of days he has really picked up, and last night he qwas looking like his old self and smiling and laughing with us!
The view from his window is amazing as he is on the 15th floor of the kirkcaldy hospital and looks straight across to Edinburgh, its really beautiful so at least its pleasant for him!
im going to edinburgh at the end of the month and cant wait to visit him again!
I hope all of you are ok, i missed checking your blogs!!!

Sorry it was such a long blog tthis time!

hope your granddad gets better
the kitten looks adorable, and mexico is just lovely and hot and relaxed.