I am shattered, I spent this weekend at my mum and dads, so they could take uschristmas shopping, they have been total stars and helped us out by buying most of Joshua's ( mystep sons) christmas presents as this year has been a difficult one for us (see last blog).
I told them to not get me and marc anything and just get Josh's... Read More
Oh no I didn't mean to make you feel sad! It is such a hard part of life though isn't it? I suppose you just have to look at it more that we are lucky that there have been people who have meant so much to us that it makes us sad to lose them, it's great to remember happy things about people who have passed though and recognise your life wouldn't have been the same without them.
Oh and I hope you feel better about your life soon, you have a lovely smile so you should be happy :-)
Well, my life recently has been so up in the air, after a lot of soul searching I have decided not to take on the manager's job, I went to the shop last Monday to meet with the current manager to have a weeks handover and learn about the shop.
Well when I arrived, the shop turned out to be massive, easily 4 times the... Read More
Thanks for the birthday message
Sorry its taken me so long to reply, had loads on AND the computer has a momentary lapse. Seems to be better now though...fingers crossed. How are you doing? xxx
MY life at the moment is pretty shit, im homeless and in temporary accomodation with my family, on friday i had to go to the council and ask for help with housing something i have been avoiding for years, but our problems of the last couple of years have all come to a head, and this is the end of the road... Read More
It's insane. Sometimes it almost seems like your ecouraged to claim benifits rather than work in this country...
As Churchill used to say
'keep buggering on'
I live with my parents at the moment but then what are family for...
Where are you going to Manage?
Things well get better, glad to see your looking forward
I have to say a very special thank you to StGeorge, who once again is my Knight in shining armour and a total babe!!!
So what's been happening with me, well I'm currently sort of homeless, we're staying with my sister, and sorting ourselves out, thought this happening would destroy me, but I'm still here and feeling good about... Read More
Well i have used 3 films on my camera so when there printed at the weekend i will pot some pictures if they came out any good!
At the moment i am deaf in my rightear, i have an infectioin and gunk in there wich has hardened so that is pretty shitty, but still loving owrk so there is light at the end of the... Read More
I have some fabulous news, I applied for a jobin a sex shop last week and went for my interview yesterday, is only for one day a week to begin with with overtime when required, but I got it!!!!
I went in today for my first days training, and itwas fantastic, hey are so laid back its brilliant,... Read More
Well I no longer work at my temp job, I thought this would devastate me but hey it didn't, my step-son had some major issues at school this week, and the hardest realisation was that he... Read More
You're a total star and a half!
MWAH! Ian.