I think one of the baby pidgeons is dead. It seems to be roughly the same size as last Saturday while the other one is a fluffy, downy, fatty.
In fact, I thought even that one was going to buy the farm because their momma, like, went to the spa today or some shit. It was freezing and she wasn't sitting there on top of the little fluffer. I was very worried. But I was also very late, so I didn't have a whole lot of time to worry.
Tonight, she's back. So hopefully at least one of my grandpidgeon babies will live to poop all over my balcony. I'm so going to have to throw out that crate of dirt!! Luckily I get to have a garden on the actual earth again this year. I almost went and bought seeds today. Yes, I am that excited.
In fact, I thought even that one was going to buy the farm because their momma, like, went to the spa today or some shit. It was freezing and she wasn't sitting there on top of the little fluffer. I was very worried. But I was also very late, so I didn't have a whole lot of time to worry.
Tonight, she's back. So hopefully at least one of my grandpidgeon babies will live to poop all over my balcony. I'm so going to have to throw out that crate of dirt!! Luckily I get to have a garden on the actual earth again this year. I almost went and bought seeds today. Yes, I am that excited.
I saw her out there this morning before I left. I couldn't see the babies to varify life/death status though.