Another great night of sleep. Plus, we had an SGSF party at Mike's and two of the people made rock ass vegan sushi and then we had imported chocolates. It was unreasonably delicious and very much fun. Everyone left by like midnight and I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and came out and all the boys were already in bed and half of them asleep! I woke up in the night to a warm, pudgy kitty snuggling into my chest. That was nice since she didn't proceed to claw the hell out of me as per psycho cat from before Christmas.
Today we're going to walk around and do stuff. That's all I know. I'm not the planner.
Today we're going to walk around and do stuff. That's all I know. I'm not the planner.
Let the yammering and stammering commence.
i don't know if that's a good thing or not.