I learned something terribly interesting at meditation class Tuesday. Apparently, a person can want something, but there "havingness" of that thing can actually be impared by someone's else's energy. For instance, my teacher really likes asparagus. But her mom grew up during the depression when people just didn't pay $5 for a meal's worth of vegetables. So whenever she's at the store and sees asparagus, her first thought is, "Oh, I can't spend $5 on that for no good reason. I have to wait for either a sale or a special occassion." That's totally her mom's energy. But it stops her cold on the asparagus every time.
I found that to be highly interesting. Especially in some of the ways it applies in my own life. It's amazing how connected we all truly are.
I found that to be highly interesting. Especially in some of the ways it applies in my own life. It's amazing how connected we all truly are.
It did go up after I went to work.
Detroit techno at Torino